So, pretty much I no longer care to believe in a god. But, either because of my 20 years in a jw daze, or because humans just desire this, I miss the community. So, I went to a Unitarian church this morning. Very nice people. NOW, considering that the only thing I've known for 20 years was the kingdom hall, I thought I'd recount what happened.
I walked in, and there were no bibles. Some chairs had songbooks on them. A woman played the piano. Another woman stood and sang a lovely song. The minister, a woman, announced she would not be there next week cuz she was going on a lesbian retreat. The entire thing was orchestrated by women.
The pastor then told an unflattering racial story connected to the unitarian church, and used it as a teaching point, and talked about how they have learned from their mistakes. In other words, her church had been wrong, and they knew it and admitted it. THEN, she read some quotes from Martin Luther King. She talked about Obama's election and how so many people danced. She said she didn't dance cuz she was exhausted from going DOOR TO DOOR and taking people who needed rides to the voting polls. She celebrated without dancing.
Then she talked about the midterm elections and how it was a back lash. Then, all the little children dressed in jeans and tennis shoes passed out valentines they had made for members that did things for the kids. Then the children wandered downstairs for a program tailored to their age. Then people stood and announced the programs at the church, things like woman's studies and yoga, during the week. The pastor announced some cakes for the queen of heaven (lol) things some people liked to do.
Then they didn't pray, they just sort of thought about some important things. Then everyone sang, to real piano music and the meeting was over. BUT, there was a potluck afterward. Dishes were labled whether they were Vegan or Vegetarian, ETC. At the potluck, you chose tables to sit at depending on the subject you'd like to talk about. Things like, "social justice" "religious teaching for children" and such. My table discussed being more welcoming, and how could they organize social events and make sure people could take part.
The whole thing was enough to make any self-respecting JW's head spin. Still, it was comfortable and very interesting. I was surrounded by some pretty smart people really aware and invested in what was happening in the world. I sat with a college professor at the pot luck, and everyone seemed fairly happy. Of course, people do when others are looking. No one mentioned god.