My Trip to the Unitarian Universal Church

by NewChapter 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewChapter

    I DO still go 30 years and I love it. I'm extemely comfortable and the people are really great. I've taken some of their classes and attend a women's history meeting once a month. It's not the place for black and white thinkers which is why Can'tleave would not be interested. And the funny part is that it's okay to completely invalidate what they are trying to do because you don't understand the purpose. There is a place for people like that too.

    I've never actually smoked pot with a circle of UU's. I suppose I could suggest that. As far as lacking confidence, well I think tolerance takes a great deal of confidence. To not be threatened by new ideas and to be okay with uncertainty takes a great deal of strength. I do feel bad for fundamental bible believers because they absolutely lack the confidence to question their belief system and to search for answers. But that is how some people are, and that is why Kingdom Halls and certain churches exist.

    It is a scary thought that a group of people could come together with the goal of supporting Humanism and allowing each to find the path to that goal. UU's are quite brave that way. They actually don't fear that the existence of homosexuals might turn heterosexuals gay. They don't fear that the existence of gay marriage may break their marriages apart. They have the confidence to think for themselves---and to change their minds and revise their belief system. This doesn't make their whole life crumble when it happens. Since they accept that they don't know it all, it's not a crisis of faith to decide they need to adjust their path.

    It's okay that people think it's a pointless waste of time. On the first Sunday of every month when all collections are forwarded to a local charity the recipients of such unjudgemental love don't feel like it was pointless.

    The UU concept is difficult for some to grasp. It takes a great deal of critical thinking to fully get it. It's being okay with not having all the answers. It's being okay with leaving room to grow. It's a highly evolved group and I love associating with them. They are bound together by love and principals. It's super nice not feeling threatened or an overwhelming need to convince anyone that this is the way they MUST choose and there is no other way. What a burden that was. I get to leave it to the individual. This is a place without fear or compulsion. This is a place of acceptance. It's not for everyone, but it's a good fit for me.

    Edit to say: Oh 30 years, Thomas Jefferson WAS a notable Unitarian. I love to mention that because it kind of blows away the rewrite that the founding fathers were all fundamental Christians. ALSO, Susan B Anthony was born a Quaker but later changed to Unitarian because it was a better fit for her. I'm really happy that Susan B Anthony existed. I played her once in a play.


  • noni1974

    I went to the UU church with NC a couple of times. Everyone was very welcoming to me. I enjoyed it and I'm an Atheist. I would feel just fine if I were to go there again. Even if they talk about religion it's more of a teaching about all types of beliefs, rather than a preaching of one belief and one only. They explain what people may believe and they leave it up to the listener to decide if they agree with it or not. Every view point is valued and so is every person. If I were to go there again I would be welcomed, but not love bombed. There is a difference and I could feel it when I walked in for services.

  • NewChapter



  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    there's a joke about you might be a unitarian and not even know it.

  • NewChapter

    LOL. Yeah most people I meet are Unitarians. tee hee


  • NewChapter

    I went to UU today. I'm not really regular, which is just fine with them. The pastor calls me now and then just to see how I'm doing. She never says "We've MISSED you at church lately!" No, she calls to see how I'm doing---to discuss books, movies, school, family, my time as a JW, how my health is etc. Genuine and interesting conversations.

    So I went today, because they were actually doing a Beatles thing! They actually called it the Theology of the Beatles. They admitted it was tongue in cheek, because they realize there is no theology behind all the Beatles accomplished. But they felt that many of their ideas were worth discussion, as they really highlighted changes in our collective thinking. They even came up with the "Beatletudes"

    "God is a concept by which we measure our pain"

    "there are no problems, only solutions"

    "When you've seen beyond yourself then you may find peace of mind is waiting there"

    "And, in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make"

    "We all shine on, like the moon and the stars and the sun"

    So much of what they discussed was incredibly moving. Particularly the discussion on the song "She's Leaving Home" Which was presented as the story of a very disfunctional family. How these parents tried to control their teenage daughter so much, not allowing her to find her own way, that they lost her. And what was their reaction "Why would she treat US so thoughtlessly". They sound like JW parents.

    Anyway---in the middle of it, 3 boys put on a little skit that they had practiced all week. They were in school and trying to come up with a program in honor of Martin Luther King day. It led to a discussion about how people could do evil things and murder. (I know, I know, sounds like TMS, but trust me here, totally different spirit). So one boy said he thought it had to do with free will given by God. He even mentioned Jesus. The other boy said he thought is was about balance---good/bad, hot/cold, I suppose this goes to the ying yang beliefs. But the THIRD boy announces "I don't believe in God." Cue JW TMS---get the boy to see the error of his ways---oh, no that's not how it went. They simply continued their discussion--they accepted his response.

    The boy said it 3 times. Then the balance boy said that if we never got colds, would we appreciate health. Things couldn't be perfect all the time, that's boring. The Chrisitan boy said but that was what heaven was supposed to be like. The third boy said "I don't believe in Heaven".

    It still baffles me that these people just accept you as you are and let you be. Even if you are a child. Even if they are your parent. They don't want to smother their children and fit them into the proper box that will send them packing (She's Leaving Home).

    A few months ago, the pastor opened her talk by saying she was grateful for the non believers, the doubters and the opinionated. Because we need those people.

    I'm still enjoying my time there, and I still don't believe. They still love me. It feels good to be with a group that just wants you to be the best you can be, without defining it for you. They want to be a family, without all the baggage. They want to work as a community for common goals. They are charitable, and active and tuned in. And today, I listened to some of the talented in the congregation sing Beatle's tunes, play some on the piano, and listened as some songs were played by cd.

    I don't know how a church can sit so well with me, an atheist, but it really does. They are a far superior family to anything the JW's had to offer. The thought of shunning is absolutely repulsive to them. Rather than mold their children, they seek to help their children find their own way. It's a great group.


  • tec

    NC, I would go to those gatherings with you, if I was near you. I love your recaps of them every time I read them.



  • NewChapter

    You would fit right in Tec. :)

    Drum circle next week! LOL I freaking LOVE them---went to the first one over 20 years ago. Then none, cuz I was a good JW. I don't get into the spiritual side of it, cuz you know me, but they are the most amazing stress reliever for me. Something about them really gets the endorphins going.


  • Botzwana

    My father and mother were married in the UU church in Atlanta. Then he became a JW...

  • NewChapter

    That's a sad story Botz. Some people just aren't comfortable without a lot of rules and guidelines to live by. You simply won't get it there. The responsiblity rests solely with the individual. That's scary for some.


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