funny times growing up a witness

by strymeckirules 26 Replies latest jw experiences

  • strymeckirules

    I had a pioneer partner that loved to fart right before the person opened the door and I gave my presentation. He did it once, and the guy opened the door, smelled the rankness, shouted "OH my GOD!" and slammed the door.

    that's what i'm talking about. that made me laugh out loud.

    there's gotta be hundreds of these storys out there.

  • MrFreeze

    Your games remind me of the games I used to play. I used to sing really over the top when I was little. Drove my mother mad.

  • CuriousButterfly

    Oh man this has me cracking up and many memories of fun times being a goof. We drove my parents crazy and we very original in our pranks.

  • strymeckirules

    working on our door to door presentations as kids during family study, i was probably 10.

    it's my sister's turn to present the mags and i get to be householder.

    i go downstairs and shut the door. she knocks. i come to the door and say "hello?"

    then she proceeds to do a nice sweet presentation, and she's trying to impress the parents who are watching.

    me, i'm a joker and finally i'm the householder.

    so i shout at her: "I'M NOT INTERESTED!"

    and i might have slammed the door in her face.

    i thought this was seriously funny and i'm laughin and so is my brother. my sister runs upstairs to her bedroom crying and my parents have to diffuse the situation.

    they want to get mad at me for wrecking her attempt, but we all know that it is more than likely this is going to happen at the doorstep.

    and since i'm laughing so much, discipline is nearly impossible cause i've got the giggles and i think my parents thought it was funny too.

    sorry about that one sister!

    man i got the belt alot.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    One of the funniest threads in a long time.

    I grew up in a very strict congo, nothing like that ever happened where I grew up.

  • strymeckirules

    spareing the rod means you hate your kids, right? my parents loved me.

    the last time my father tried the belt on my brother and i, well it went out the window.

    we were teens and we probably just had to clean our room(shared) or something, but of course we deserved the belt for horsing around.

    so my dad tells us he's going to get his belt and leaves the room.

    we are both in fun spirits so we're not quite fased by the threat.

    i tell little bro to put socks in his shorts to cushion the blows, and he laughs and goes to his closet. then the idea for him to hide in the closet appears. GOLD JERRY!

    so we both know this is uncharted territory and we are still giddy so he does it.

    he hides in the closet and i sit, by myself on my bed trying to keep a straight face and wait for my dad.

    he comes in the room and sees me and looks around.

    "Where's your brother?" (all fake stern)

    i have to look at the ground cause i'm starting to crack up.

    then my bro falls out of the closet laughing so hard he can't breath right.

    and i start losing it, i can't breath either i'm laughing so hard.

    my dad trys to remain stern, but he realizes he's lost. when my brother used to laugh like that he'd crack up everyone.

    dad starts to smile and i know he's lost his will to punish, i'm still laughin.

    he shakes his head and starts to laugh and walks out and just yells hes' gonna get us later.

    i wish i could remember what we were i trouble for...

    i've been out for good for about a year since i did the research.

    i was a drifter fader revisiter before.

    it's nice to find you people. i'm the only apostate i know.

    nobody quite gets the jw culture like people who know jw.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    Sweet jeebus this is hilarious! Lotsa memories coming back.

    I had a cousin that was close in age and we were always trying to get each other to crack up when we sat together, too.

    When one of us would start laughing, we'd have to reach down as though we were tying our shoe to disguise it.

    I once waited for him to come back from the bathroom during a talk and I slipped a tie tack under his butt when he sat down. Of course, he always tried to make me laugh by plopping down with as much force as he could muster. The timing was impeccable. He shot back up from his chair like a jack-in-the-box and let out semi-muted yelp! I laughed so hard I let out a snort... while tying my shoes, of course.

    He then walked to the back and plucked the tie tack from his arse and then walked out to his family's work van and took to my tie tack with a pair of pliers. Then he came back in and dropped the pieces of my tie tack on my Bible.

    An older crazy sister used to bring random stuff to scratch her back. One time she pulled out, like, a big spaghetti spoon and shoved it down between her shoulder blades and went to town. That was funny enough as it was (and gross). But then the next meeting I thought it'd be funny to bring a new utensil. So I snagged a spatula from our kitchen and put it in my bag. I waited til the song (cuz I knew it'd kill us both) and when he reached down to put away his books I yanked out the spatula and flipped his song book over like pancake and slipped the spatula back into my bookbag like it was standard practice. Unfortunately, my aunt found out and I got in hot water from my mom.

    One time when we were in a particularly tiny hall (it was PACKED), we had to sit on the front row, directly ahead of the podium. Of course, you could touch the stage with your toe, too. Anyways, my older cousin was sitting with us and he was the serious one, but had a wicked comic side. So we're sitting there barely keeping it together when one of us drops a pen on the floor. It fell near the foot of my oldest cousin and we were already giggling but when we saw that we tried to straighten up. So he reaches down slowly to get the pen... and proceeds to set it on the stage, two feet from the podium legs! After that, me and my young cousin were tying our shoes for like 15 minutes after that, shoulders bouncing from laughter the whole time.

    Another meeting, we got separated and he sat behind me. I thought it would be funny to slip my mini-bible through the crack in the back of my chair but hold on to the string-place marker as it fell through. It worked great, and I made my Bible swing back and forth like a pendulum. It cracked my cousin up but then I couldn't pull my Bible back through, which cracked us up even more. So he pulled out his pocket knife and went to cut the string... but I let go before he could do it. Then he held my Bible hostage the rest of the meeting.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    more stories

  • wannaexit

    Well , I was pretty tame. But I do remember positioning the watchtower or songbook upsidedown and pretend I could read it .

    I watched my own son when he was about 7-8. From the corner of my eye I could see him building up all his saliva in his mouth. When his mouth was full he just pushed out the biggest projectile wad of spit on the carpet. This was during the sunday meeting. I couldn't believe he did that. So I say to him: Did you just spit? His response? "YeaaaaaaaaaaaaH" .

    It's gross ...but poor kid I think he was so bored

  • serenitynow!
    seeing if you can get the last clap in the whole hall. tonnes of fun if it's a couple seconds after the majority dies down.

    Me and my friends played this at the DC, except we were always trying to be the first to clap. Waiting for that rise in the speaker's voice to start clapping. It was funny when we were the only ones clapping.

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