Eh, Perry, you have got some tough customers here!
I know you mean well, but it does all seem like... nonsense.
by Perry 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Eh, Perry, you have got some tough customers here!
I know you mean well, but it does all seem like... nonsense.
I don't think there is anything 'new' about it.... it's over 2000 years old.
Could you and Perry go share a joint together somewhere and work out your Pauline differences
*pass the doobie to the left hand side*
You do realise that the "salvation" issue has been debated for centuries, evenbefore the reform movement, just as predestination and all the other stuff has been to.
Nowthing new under the sun it seems.
You're playing in front of a pretty tough crowd this morning! lol
As one who still chooses to believe the words of the NT, I thank you for your efforts to post this information.
In view of the upcoming 'memorial' it only adds more fuel to the fire for torching JW idea's. I'll use these words, as well as the words in John 6:53 "Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink His blood, you have no life in yourselves."
So thanks for this Perry.
WTF is "salvation" and who needs it? Salvation from what?
Question: Salvation from what?
Answer: Enslavement to counter-knowledge.
Question: So is there salvation outside the new covenant?
Answer: Yes, just as there is salvation outside of the idea that masturbation causes blindness.
Good point Clarity. Most of us never even realized that according to WT theology, only the Church leaders had their sins forgiven. The rest of us had to work for it.
Hi Dagothur. I used to wonder that myself. I wrote this some time ago:
What Are We Saved From?
The only salvation that Jehovah's Witnesses recognize, is a sparing of their physical life at the battle of Armageddon. However, this battle is a military conflict primarily against "kings of the earth" in the valley of Megiddo seen below.
One day while I was out in the door to door ministry of Jehovah's Witnesses, one of the members of the car group that I was in was the presiding overseer of our congregation.
When he returned to the car from a door he stated that he had gotten into a rather tedious biblical discussion with a householder regarding the soul. He admitted that the bible had some "rather unfortunate terminology" that described the soul. In relating his experience, he featured what he felt was the high point of the discussion when he responded to the householder's question: If he died tonight, did he know for sure if he'd be saved?
The presiding overseer mockingly relived the experiece. "I said SAVED FROM WHAT", he retorted . He indicated that the householder just stared at him without saying much after that. We all had a big laugh as if this exchange illustrated the ignorance of the householder for believing in a salvation when he didn't even know what he was being saved from. More than likely, the Christian believer was simply stunned at the lack of knowledge and godly fear of the presiding overseer.
This memorable experience illustrates the near total lack of personal accountability to God among Jehovah's Witnesses. Members are led to believe that they will somehow escape a personal judgment by virtue of their church membership, "in good standing" of course.
Two scripture passages dispel this myth:
Hebrews 9: 22 - 28: And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission... For Christ is not entered into the holy places made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us... it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:The idea of a personal judgment for each person who lives is well attested to in the Old and New Testaments. However, this is a foreign concept to the psychology of Jehovah's Witnesses. For them, everything is by the group. They reason that if the WT organization is chosen of God, then they must be too. However, scripture teaches clearly that there will be a personal judgment and that Christ must speak up for us personally ... "for us", as indicated in Hebrews above.
I can now answer that elders' question: "SAVED FROM WHAT?". - Judgment.
Like the prodigal son was judged?
And what if the writer of Hebrews was injecting his own opinion into what was later defined as "inspired" by Constantine's holy church.
What if a lifetime were like a year in grade school? What's the worst that can happen? You get left back. But with YOUR god, it's get a passing grade or die.
Nice daddy. Just love cuddling up to him.
Meh, I like my answer better than Perry's because I'm rarely concise and this sums up 95% of religious belief in once sentence.
Yes, just as there is salvation outside of the idea that masturbation causes blindness.
EDIT: Dang, I haven't seen self-glorification like that since the last WT I read. I've gotta work on that one. Next school counsel point.
Unrelated, I didn't know that giraffes roamed the land around Megiddo.