Why I Eventually Left

by itscrap&theyknowit! 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hoffnung

    Wow, what a 1st post! Welcome here. There definitely are lots of women like you in the org. You must be a strong woman to hold it out for so many years. It really is too sad it lasted for so long. Are you reading post here for some time? Feel free to vent your emotions in writing. Who could not understand this feelings of anger about all the wasted time and energy, whereas life could have been so different? Writing stuff can be therapeutic in some ways. I wish you all the best and hope to read some more from you in the near future.


  • flipper

    ITSCRAPANDTHEYKNOWIT- Awesome first post & thread by you ! Actually- one of the best first posts I've read in quite awhile ! You express so openly what SO MANY JW women experienced being treated like dirt in this mind control cult Jehovah's Witnesses. I'm so sorry you were treated with so much disrespect and scorn by your husband. He sounds like he needs a good swift kick in the a$$ ! But he's mind controlled- he probably wouldn't get it. Just would think he's being persecuted.

    I'm so sorry about the loss of your dear father. Hang in there. Please know that we are here for you on the board. It sounds like all of your experiences have really awakened you to the reality of what a scam the WT society is. My JW parents are 85 & 83 and I will be dealing with JW siblings also like you did . These people aren't able to wake up to reality because they are mind controlled. Programmed robots like you said. But just be thankful YOU woke up in time and now as you said getting your children's minds free is an important next step. I'm trying to do that with 2 of my JW adult daughters as well. I wish you the best my friend , take care and we are proud to have you here with us ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • wannabefree

    (((hugs))) and welcome

    Your account brings tears to my eyes as there was a period in my life, as the elder, that I can recognize some of myself in your husband. I hate that I was that person.

    It is good to have you here.

  • Joliette

    Welcome to the board my friend, and sorry for your bad experiences. Get ready for a ride your will NEVER forget.

  • flipper

    This is a great introducory thread which many lurking JW's or anybody should read ! BTTT , Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • snowbird



  • LostGeneration

    I hate how this religion treats women. If they aren't busy degrading them as the "weaker vessel" they are slamming them as gossipers. Then come the rules on how to dress and knowing your place.

    Then along comes an example like this of someone who follows all the rules and the org/husband treats her like a throwaway doll. LOL that he finally realized what he has and stepped down. Welcome to the board.

  • Ex-Dub MS
    Ex-Dub MS

    Appearances, appearances. How I can relate.

    I was in one of those families where all the kids pioneered and almost everyone but me went to Bethel--except for the one that got invited to Gilead. It made me nauseous to hear my father introduce himself to people at any new KH. They'd know about our 'status' before they knew our names. We weren't people to him--only products.

    Everybody 'knew' me at the Hall but they didn't KNOW me. As in, how I felt. Or how poorly my relationship with my (all thanks to Real God?) current EX-wife was doing. Here's this room full of 'brothers' and 'sisters' in a 'family' but not one person I could speak to honestly. If they asked me how I was doing, could I really tell them that my violent, tax-cheating, check-bouncing 'soulmate' was driving me up a wall and making me miserable? Nope. Not at all.

    I'm supposed to miss that. At least they think so, right? But it still took me a year-plus after leaving to really, truly figure that out.

    Welcome to the beginning of your journey....

    - XD MS

  • VIII


    So sorry for what you and most JW women go through. Please stay here and get more off your chest. It feels good.

  • snowbird
    Everybody 'knew' me at the Hall but they didn't KNOW me.

    You just said a powerful mouthful.

    All the elders' wives, save one, treated me like an outcast - thought I was interested in their stupid husbands.

    This religion makes a mockery of Christianity.


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