Two Gilead students receiving their study binders in 2005.
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by VM44 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Two Gilead students receiving their study binders in 2005.
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The Bible! New and Improved!!
Did they receive a 10-year supply of the kool-Aid with the binders?
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The colors on the front of the binders are different. Is this gender-based? Is the content of the binders different based on gender?
Oh why the hell am I even asking about the content?! We all know it's just a load of rubbish anyway. Never mind. Carry on.
On another note, I am quite interested in interior design. Normally, I'm not too impressed with anything I've ever seen at Bethel. But...I do quite like the framed displays on the wall. Love the blue, love the black frames...! Wouldn't mind doing something like that in my office.
Yet another note... Sorry...
I'm not a violent person. I am really not. But...Part of me wants to go up to them, shake them a little and say "Snap out it! Stop drinking the Kool-Aid!!!!"
He looks ecstatic.
She looks unimpressed; like she's faking it.
Her smile doesn't reach her eyes. I know its just a picture and it doesn't mean anything, but the way she looks reminds of the new poster's 'itscrap&theyknowit' rant, and how much harder it is for women, and how tired they can get.
You are so right!!!!!!
I thought women always fake it tec. It's what I heard somewhere.