The Reality of Watchtower Increases

by metatron 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    Wow! Jehovah's Witnesses show over a 4% increase and are the fastest growing religion!

    Because of this they are Overflowing with donations, right? No? Why not? What's wrong?

    And because of this amazing growth, I'll bet they have no lack of men volunteering to be elders and minsterial servants, right? No???!! What's going on here?

    and the quality of their growth is the same or better, right? Regular pioneers put in 100 hours a month........... er..... 90 hours a month ..... ah, what the heck is it now? A publisher must put in an hour - no, wait, 15 minutes a month.

    And their young people? Excellent examples of faith and righteousness, right? No, Wait! The Society is hounding them about leading double lives!

    This organization is deeply skilled in pretense. It is increasingly a facade and its internal statistics do not measure the same things they used to measure.


  • metatron

    Oh, and one more point, folks:

    If donated resources don't match the growth in publishers (which I assert is true), then the Watchtower organization is in real trouble.

    Why? Because, if so, you have More people pumping out more literature/ magazines without paying for them. Also, more assemblies not paid for. Also, more congregations without enough men 'reaching out' or even attending meetings.

    What wrecked the Communism? They endlessly bragged about a worldwide "correlation of forces" but couldn't support their far-flung and growing empire and ran out of money!

    Believe in Watchtower growth? Why are they closing branch offices worldwide and dumping Bethelites into the worst job market in 60 years? Are these things signs of real, healthy growth? or Soviet-style decline amidst ceaseless self praise?


  • wasblind

    This is a religion that considers Futhering your education, a devils snare

    why would people want to join at a time when most people see the need

    for furthering their education. This was reported as a fact because the news

    media assume that all religions are truthful , if they were to really dig deep they

    would find that they would have a very interesting news story for tomorrow

  • wasblind

    " Why are they closing branch offices worldwide "

    That's the samething I thought Growth = Closings ?

  • wasblind

    If Dianne sawyer really want a good news story

    investigate the growth of the WTS for herself

    then tell us what she found

  • Satanus

    They still have their realestate venture. Most of the kinghells belong to the wtb&t society.


  • sabastious

    I don't see the WT running out of money. The downsizing is a change in business plan with a new customer base.


  • WTWizard

    The reality of Washtowel increases: It is a Ponzi scam. Fake the increases, fake the hours, and there is nothing to back it up. If this was a currency, I would be able to figure out what it should be in "gold". My best estimate, using the late 1980s figures as "gold", would be somewhere around 180,000 to 200,000 real witlesses.

  • metatron

    Why would we think they were running out of money? I mean, they publish two unique issues of the Awake each month.

    Oh wait.... no they don't

    And I get my magazines by subscription. Oh, yeah, I forgot....

    And I love the food service at Assemblies........... or I used to

    And those "new customers" you mention? Who are they? Mostly 3rd world types with no money? You mean from some of the very nations in which the Society is shutting down branch offices? Like the Caribbean or Central America?

    They are welcome to their endless growth and "expansion". I see 7 million passive-aggressive people closing their wallets and padding their hours. You got 'em, Watchtower - now, what do you do with 'em?


  • leavingwt

    My favorite WT increase?

    The number of memorial partakers.

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