Wow! Jehovah's Witnesses show over a 4% increase and are the fastest growing religion!
Because of this they are Overflowing with donations, right? No? Why not? What's wrong?
And because of this amazing growth, I'll bet they have no lack of men volunteering to be elders and minsterial servants, right? No???!! What's going on here?
and the quality of their growth is the same or better, right? Regular pioneers put in 100 hours a month........... er..... 90 hours a month ..... ah, what the heck is it now? A publisher must put in an hour - no, wait, 15 minutes a month.
And their young people? Excellent examples of faith and righteousness, right? No, Wait! The Society is hounding them about leading double lives!
This organization is deeply skilled in pretense. It is increasingly a facade and its internal statistics do not measure the same things they used to measure.