The Reality of Watchtower Increases

by metatron 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • LV101

    Thanks for all the info and stats on this thread. Love your posts, Metatron.

  • willyloman

    They can report whatever numbers they want. I don't have a way to double check these particular figures. The WT numbers that I do have knowledge of are highly inflated, e.g., field service hours and magazine placements.

    Publishers (and congregation secretaries) often fabricate the FS reports. For example, 15 minutes of face to face witnessing (or less) on Saturday ends up as 2 to 3 hours on the report for the vast majority of JWs.

    The society prints millions of magazines but the average dub family throws away many of those, having failed to place them at doors. Those that are placed are often deposited in the trash by householders who either take them to be polite or find them under the mat on their front porch.

    So, if the numbers we know are false, how are we to react to the ones that come down from on high? Garbage in, garbage out.

  • Gayle

    Even the WTS, according to last report shown in JW 2011 Yearbook, doesn't claim a 4 or 4.4% increase as what some media/tv are expressing recently. In the recent Yearbook, it is showing the WTS claim to be 2% which is only rounded up from technically 1.7% for the U.S. For a copy of the actual report, you can PM me and I will give you the reference of actual report.

  • ziddina

    Bumping this thread in response to the JW apologist's thread...

    Well, you can fool some of the people all of the time...


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