Broken Promises
I do think you make a point that many of the "friends" did think my husband was unbalanced but they were the ones who were calling him, such as this MS's wife when there was a problem she felt he needed to take care of in the hall. So if they thought he was a jerk then why not just leave him alone so I could have my husband.
Also this MS's wife was so sweet and kind to my husband but as soon as he was out of sight she was a Witch toward me. I was totally blindsided by her as before we were married she had me over to dinner with my future husband and she was so nice in front of him toward me.
That was not the true person she was. I think she treated her husband the same way, as one time she unleashed her anger on me in front of her husband and he just stood there with his head hung down. I was so hurt she was just yelling at me because I had forgotten my house keys and I gotten a ride home with her husband and son from the meetings. I had no way to get into my house as my husband was at a long elders meeting. She did not want me in her home period. Her husband did not know what to say as it was after a Tuesday night meeting and it was late for me to wait outside till my husband got home. She had all these illness so she was hardly ever at the meeting but she was one of the 144,000 so we all had to listen to what she said.
You know writing all of this it just sounds so crazy. Seriously I mean who would believe this. If someone was telling me what I just wrote I would think OK I was a little off. The elevator is not going to the top floor for sure.
But sadly it is all so true.
OK this MS's wife, this lady was only in her 30's never went to the meetings but her dad was a well known elder and she married this MS had a son and then rules the hall. I mean how does that work? She is not even at the meetings, but everyone thought she was just wonderful.
Then one day she said Jehovah just let her know she was of the 144,000.
This would be laughable if it was not so sad and painful.
The things I went through have been so painful, so hurtful it is unreal. And for what to sell Watchtowers.
As far as my husband being unbalanced he was he was totally unbalanced but the other elders used that part of my husband so they did not have to work. They knew they could dump on my husband anything and he would what ever they asked. There were so many times they would have a date with their wife or something they wanted to do and my husband would jump for them. What about me, what was I. I know it was my husband's fault, I clearly know that but it still makes me mad at all of it especially once I stood up and said enough then I was crazy for not taking it anymore.
It is turly crazy making.