I am over joyed that you are now able to leave with your wife! Congratulations!!! I wish you both the very best in your brand new future together!
Progress ( I think? ) in helping my wife to see the "truth"
by stuckinamovement 93 Replies latest members private
The true God/Holy Spirit/Jesus is leading you out of an organization that is not truth. You are at a crossroads that may determine your sanity and eternal destiny. Falling for another false religion is no better. Choosing no religion is also the wrong answer. The truth is in biblical, historical, orthodox Christianity. The key issue for a Mormon is polytheism vs monotheism (the latter is truth). The key issue for a JW is the Deity of Christ. Unless you come to see that He is Almighty God in the flesh, you will remain lost and confused. If you receive Him as God, Lord, Savior, you will be born again and able to partake of the emblems in a Bible church vs cult (Jn. 6 unless you do this, you have no life in you). I pray that you will not be deceived again by the enemy of our souls, but will find relationship with the risen Christ. This Easter weekend is as good a time as any. You are one prayer away from transformation (Jn. 17:3 knowing Him, not taking in knowledge of WT book studies...NWT is wrong in their translation of this verse and approach to indoctrination).
Stuckinamovement- Congratulations my friend on your wife seeing through the mind control jargon. This is awesome. I don't know if either of you have JW relatives ( parents, siblings ) still inside the cult - if so I would be careful about sending a letter to Bethel if you want to keep on good terms with any JW relatives. If you don't have JW relatives- go ahead, you have nothing to lose anyway.
We have talked a couple times so I feel comfortable saying this. Some here are telling you that God or Jesus may be revealing this to you about the WT society. I tend to disagree with that concept. What is revealing this to you is your own born-in power of reason from your authentic human mind and personality as opposed to having a JW cult controlled mind and personality . The more you don't attend meetings and leave it behind your brain synapses will reconnect with a much broader view of life and the world as opposed to having tunnel vision based on looking through the kaleidoscope called the WT society and Jehovah's Witnesses. My advice is to keep a open minded view of life and don't commit or jump into ANY organized church or religion too soon as it may regress you into a tunnel vision syndrome again. Just my 2 cents from exiting 7 years ago.
But whatever you decide , I'm happy you and wifey are on the same page now my friend ! Awesome. Hope to talk with you soon sometime. HEY ! Maybe she can come to the Tahoefest with you ! Just a thought
WOW. Just...WOW!!!!!
Congratulations Siam for you and your wife coming to God through Jesus Christ.
She expressed disappointment in the overall spiritual direction that we as a couple are going and is convinced that unless we are able to serve God in an active way that our lives are pointless.
If your wife still wants to serve Our Father in an active way, you could throw away the letter that you have been writing, and place doubts in other JWs in your congregation by annomymously emaling them links to ex-jw sites and appropriate YouTube videos; you could ask questions during meetings of other members about how they feel, so that the judicial committee would Df you; or you could fade away and join an ex-jw support group through meetup.com. Although writing a letter might make you feel better now, why play by the WTBTS' rules? Wouldn't it be better to free the mind of other JWs instead of being shunned? Whatever you do I am glad that you have done it together as a familly instead of the doctrines of the WTBTS tearing your family apart.
Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,
I should clarify. We are not going to jump to another church. It is pretty clear to both of us that there is not an organization on earth today that has God’s support. We will continue our spiritual quest by focusing on our relationship with God and imitating the qualities of Christ. It is ok not to have all of the answers.
The letter that we will send will be anonymous. We both know what is at stake. We are both born-ins and have no intention of blowing up the bridges on our way out of the organization. We still love our friends and family that are still in and wish to continue relationships with them. Our fade will result in us being looked as weak and inactive. A concurrent track is to start building some relationships outside of the organization.
It is heartening because the July 15 th Watchtower “simplified” edition makes my case for me that the Governing Body has put themselves in the place of Jesus and demands obedience. These retards are cutting their own throat.
As a sign of how we are changing as a couple in our slow march out the door, we had dinner with my Df’ed brother and his girlfriend last weekend. We talked about it before we went and I asked if it would hurt her conscience and she replied, “not anymore”. The control of the organization on both of our minds is slipping.
We have also talked frankly about what would happen if for some reason we were both disfellowshipped for apostasy. Once you can picture that scenario in your mind it becomes easier to leave.
My intent was never to make my wife lose her faith, but instead to get her to examine where she was putting her faith, was it in “nobles and earthling man” or in God? Why should we blindly believe in what a group of men tell us if they have been repeatedly wrong before? When they invoke God’s spirit or direction on their publications it really sounds cheap and hollow. Bottom line is that once you realize the WTS is just a bunch of men trying to keep their organization alive by pretending to be “god’s organization” it is easy to move on. The promises that were given to many of us that we would never grow old or have a career have failed. This means that the organization is a failure also.
For anyone else out there in my shoes with a spouse that is in still, remember you don’t have to convince them that it is not the truth. Ask them to explain the multiple inconsistencies in teachings, and history, and scripture, to convince you that it is the truth. I am sure that in the back of all Witnesses minds is a shred of doubt. Use that doubt to get them to convince themselves they are on the wrong track. The fact that Armageddon hasn’t come yet despite the promises, and that we are pushing 100 years since 1914 is damning.
Good stuff. I want to thank many of the posters who have helped me to see the truth for the lie that it is.
It is great to leave the organization. There are many local churches around the world that are Bible/Christ-centered. Your journey will not be complete until you bow your knee to the biblical Jesus (Yahweh in the flesh). Many false religions, including Islam, 'believe' in Jesus (but a counterfeit Christ is worthless). Keep prayerfully following the leading of the Spirit through the Word. A sound Christology is not optional. Either Christ is God (biblical position held by hundreds of milliions of Christians) or He is creature (minority view of small cults).
My husband opened up to me over 18 months ago. Initially I thought he was mistaken but like your wife came to realise that nothing I believed stood up to scrutiny. I wanted at first to believe that the GB was misled but sincere. when I realised that was not the case I was angry and sat in the car saying Sh*t endlessly banging my head on the steering wheel.
Now we are both out DF'd for denying the GB was God's representative on Earth. I said to the elders that the God I thought I was worshipping would understand what I was going through and would give me the time I needed to find him. There is no Armageddon and no rush. I don't feel the need to rush into organised religion.
Nugget, you and Cantleave are inspirations to those of us who are exiting. I know that as an ex elder I can say that my views of the organization and reasons for waking up are very similar to your husbands.
Take Care
There actually will be an Armageddon, but it is not a donkey, carrot, stick issue. I pray that those who leave the WT don't jump into another false, organized religion, but that they find the true Jesus (YHWH) and a local church that worships in spirit and in truth and is biblical in belief/practice (orthodoxy/orthopraxy).