I was wondering how many out there have written the society and got a responce. Im thinking of writing but I dont wanna waste my time if they wont take me seriously. I intend to challenge many different things they say and do. Dont know how to go about it.
Has anyone WROTE A LETTER to the org?
by frigginconfused 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I personally have not but I think that often their response comes to you via the local elder body.
Big Tex
I wrote a letter in 1991 about the two witness rule and the general attitude toward child abuse. Their response took 5 months, was sent to the wrong congregation and completely ignored everything I said. Fortunately the presiding overseer in the congregation I was in 5 years previously forwarded the letter to me unopened.
WTBS's response really pissed me off and only convinced me it was right to leave. Back then there was no Internet so I was on my own.
So them being the control freak jerks they have always been only helped me in the end.
Big Tex thats what i expected to hear. I know of 2 cases of people requesting someone come to the house for a study. 1 never showed up and the other took a month.
from all the letters i've seen on the internet people have posted, the more you press them for true answers the more they avoid the question in the response and point to articles in their mags that support their way of viewing the matter.
you will not change them. they will find you. you will be put on the "list".
check out "Crisis of Conscience" for more letter writing buggery from the society. documented correspondense.
We did write a four page heartfelt letter in tears after not seeing spiritual justice when our child was molested by a fellow JW (ex-elder) We begged to understand Why, after being accused of molesting multiple victims this creep was not disfellowshipped.
Our response came in a half a page letter basically telling us to look at the example of Asaph @ Ps 73:3,12 and then 73:17....
How it wasn't until he proceeded to come into the sanctuary of God that he was able to "readjust his thinking"!!
Have confidence in the organization... guess what came next??
"Wait on Jehovah"
We cried, then we realized we didn't matter to them. What happened to our 9 year old baby didn't phase them a bit!!
We were on our own
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Lots of people write in. I was around Writing Correspondence (which handles letters from "the field") enough to know that they have a huge database of incoming correspondence, and a lot of it from "crazies". A letter comes in, gets scanned, sender is indexed to see if they've written before, and then they usually look for some kind of prefab letter to send to the person, or the local elders. If none of them are a fit, it may take months before they are able to craft some response.
Im thinking of writing but I dont wanna waste my time if they wont take me seriously. I intend to challenge many different things they say and do. Dont know how to go about it.
Here's my advice from having been inside: Take each of those different things and compose a letter for each. Address each one from a different person. Maybe use "worldly" friends to sign and send some, without disclosing in the letter that they aren't JWs. Or, if you're into "theocratic warfare", use the names and addresses from some in the local congregation. Man, does that make a mess for the bureaucrats at Bethel.
Band on the Run
I think I wrote decades ago. They never responded but I did not expect them to do so. Once I wrote about old literature that belonged to my father. My mom's great uncle gave him the large collection from early Russell days to the present. Years ago I read that scholars were having trouble finding older books. This is long before the Internet. I mentioned ties from my father's days at Bethel. As a result, a brother came with a very young sister in tow. He was in his fifties, she was 18. I wasn't accusing anyone of rape. It was curious.
My vet letter was to express my feelings. I had to put it on paper and then cast it to the wind. It is not as thought I thought my prose so brillliant that someone would convert to my viewpoint. My letter was personalized. I no longer was a robot. Twelve Step programs encourage letter writing. The letters don't have to be delivered. People write to deceased relatives and friends. Sometimes the letters are thrown in the ocean or burned in a ritual. I once enacted my own ritual by burning the New World Translation in a metal can based on Andy Warhol's Campbell soup series. It was a good thing others were home b/c the fire did not stay in the can.
Sure , it takes a long time to get a reply back from Bethel, but then one finger typing does take more time.
I've actually written 3 times... all related to 587/607/1914/1818... all 3 letters contained strong irrefutable evidence... I've only received one response (to my 1st letter) but it was merely a childish response which completely avoided most of my questions...
Don't waste your time... unless you want to confirm for yourself that they actually dodge legitimate questions and/or evidence to protect their reputation...