AUDIO: Watchtower says No Higher Education

by kurtbethel 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • kurtbethel

    At the 2006 District Convention, Long Beach, California. Speaker William H Miles - Young People Remember Now Your Grand Creator. Discourages young people from pursuing a higher education, while admitting a secondary school education leaves many unprepared to have adequate job skills.

  • cyberjesus

    This makes me sick. I used to believed their garbage!

  • thetrueone

    I had to laugh when he used the example of Jesus not seeking education, instead spent his life preaching the gospel.

    The underlining proscriptive agenda by this publishing house is getting people pushing their own published works

    out to the public. One thing these idiots never acknowledge is how higher education has helped humanity in benefits to health and

    engineering, making living easier and more enjoyable as well longer lasting in regards to health education.

    Universities and colleges were announced decades ago by the WTS. as places of godlessness and evil and people wanting to

    protect their spirituality are best advised to stay clear of these institutions. Its an perceived understanding that the information

    at these institutions are in direct conflict to their own teachings so they are perceived as a threat to them.

    Since there is so little time left in the system of things, seeking higher education is even more redundant and impractical.

    Much better time would be to strengthen ones own spirituality in preparation of Armageddon by being in service to god's carefully

    prepared work provided his FDSL, the Watchtower Publishing Company. $$$

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Since there is so little time left in the system of things, seeking higher education is even more redundant and impractical.

    Exactly what they told me when I left school! In 1963.


  • thetrueone

    When you really think about just about every talk given at an assembly is a sales ($) pep talk to go out and

    push the WTS. literature to the public, manipulating people and in coercive way that by doing so god will show favor upon them and not

    cruelly be killed at Armageddon. The WTS game is always been exploitation to the core

    and the inter-net with all of its pertaining information is revealing this openly to the public.......Good

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I had to laugh when he used the example of Jesus not seeking education, instead spent his life preaching the gospel.

    More Borg BS. He lived 33 1/2 years and preached only the final 3 and a half of them. We have NOT ONE CLUE what he did between the age of 12 and 30. He could have spent those ENTIRE 18 YEARS IN SCHOOL for all we know.

  • truman

    Are they now quoting from their own propagandized, Watchtowerized, half-baked adaptations of Bible stories, the assembly dramas, as an authority? He ends with a long quotation from 'Paul' that is straight out of a drama script, rather than the actual words of the Bible. Seems a bit disingenuous to me. Isn't the bible good enough anymore?

  • Snoozy

    The guy giving the talk sounded like he needed a little more education... I noticed a few grammatical errors..


  • DaCheech

    jesus was a carpenter, and the type of school needed was apprentice-ship............... jesus did the schooling of the 1st century

  • therevealer

    Also think about their publications. Although they are basically full of flawed thinking and propaganda, you will be hard pressed to find typographical errors and for the most part they are grammatically correct. So where did these proofreaders get the necessary knowledge of proper use of grammar and wording as well as spelling. Notice my use of the term Proofreaders which means that the actual writers need for this knowledge is reduced allowing more time for them to formulate the "stupidity" in the articles.

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