I had to laugh when he used the example of Jesus not seeking education, instead spent his life preaching the gospel.
The underlining proscriptive agenda by this publishing house is getting people pushing their own published works
out to the public. One thing these idiots never acknowledge is how higher education has helped humanity in benefits to health and
engineering, making living easier and more enjoyable as well longer lasting in regards to health education.
Universities and colleges were announced decades ago by the WTS. as places of godlessness and evil and people wanting to
protect their spirituality are best advised to stay clear of these institutions. Its an perceived understanding that the information
at these institutions are in direct conflict to their own teachings so they are perceived as a threat to them.
Since there is so little time left in the system of things, seeking higher education is even more redundant and impractical.
Much better time would be to strengthen ones own spirituality in preparation of Armageddon by being in service to god's carefully
prepared work provided his FDSL, the Watchtower Publishing Company. $$$