AUDIO: Watchtower says No Higher Education

by kurtbethel 14 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • thetrueone

    The only thing that idiot was educated in is Watchtower propaganda.

    I wonder what the world would be like if people never pursued higher education.

    Probably like the shitty world the ancient Israelites had to live most likely.

    Its interesting how the WTS persuades people into becoming their free working publishers of their own literature

    all wrapped up as important and special information that could save the lives of whom their preaching to as well as their own.

    Its like saying we have the power of god in our hands and tend to exploit for what its worth.

  • jonathan dough
  • Snoozy

    Kurt, Blondie listed the titles of the talks of the assembly that year..I didn't see that listed. Which talk was that taken from?


    edited to add: Never mind, I found it..

  • WTWizard

    Problem: Everyone seems to have a college education these days. While I do believe we are in a tuition cost bubble and that you will be saddled in debt of roughly $100,000 if you go to college, I also believe that finding a job with just a high school diploma is virtually impossible these days. Unless you happen to be the next Billy Joel or the next Kenny Loggins, your chances of making even a basic living these days without that piece of paper is zilch.

    Even the debt has various angles to look at it. You have several options--investing the $100,000 in gold or silver and waiting until the tuition bubble pops is one option. Another is to take out the debt, borrowing from the same banks that are taking the bailout money that is soon to lead to hyperinflation, and then repaying the loan with toilet paper dollars once they become worthless. (Which is both legal and ethical, since those are the very banks that are causing the hyperinflation in the first place). Or, you can simply wait until the bubble bursts. If you have most or all of your tuition paid for with scholarships and/or grants, there is no reason to not take full advantage of them unless you are already making billions of dollars on your own.

    But, simply not going to college just because a religion tells you not to is not going to produce good results. You are not merely waiting for a bubble to burst, investing in gold or silver to protect your wealth so you can afford college once tuition prices crash. You are not taking out debt that is going to be paid for in dollars that the banks themselves devalued. You are simply closing out even the possibility of college forever. This simply is not a good idea, since if everyone else has that paper and you don't, you aren't even going to get a job at Walmart or McDonalds. And, even after tuition crashes, you are never going to even look at it--you will be too busy pio-sneering and wasting what little money you get from welfare or your parents on the religion.

    Besides, college has some value beyond the job market. College is often a rite of passage to adulthood. You go to college, that is your first taste of living without your parents. This is often what allows children to get out from under their parents, and often is what sends the message to the parents that they are no longer children even if the economy forces the children to later move back in with the parents. You are taught to be responsible. Some will party excessively for a while and pay the price within the setting of a campus, and learn from that lesson that excessive partying is counterproductive. Some will stay up until 3 in the morning and learn that, if you stay up until 3 AM, you are going to have a miserable time when your 8 AM Chemistry class comes up. So they moderate their party habits, learning to be responsible. And that lesson comes whether or not they get a job that pays off their debts. And it is wrong that the Washtowel Babble and Crap Slaveholdery is depriving children of that.

  • JRK

    If you were a GB member, you could go to Malta for a 5 star vacation, without an education.


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