This Guy Nails It on 1975

by Perry 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Perry

    I was 12 years old in 1975. For years before then, I believed that I was a bad child and would not live to see my 13th birthday. I remember that starting around January 1976, I didn't believe a word anyone said, especially an adult, my parents, much less the elders. I do not remember much of my teen years. I do not remember being 18 at all. I was stoned everyday. I didn't finish the 9th grade. All I wanted was for everyone to get the hell out of my way. While in my mid 20's I was running a multi-million dollar corporation, paid cash for my beautiful gated self-designed custom home on two acres in the middle of the city, and was my own god... robotic, mechanical & forged in the image of the Watchtower.

    What effect did 1975 have on you?

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    See - who says you need anything more than a middle school education to be dogmatic?

  • Giordano
    What effect did 1975 have on you?

    My wife and I left the JW world in the late 1960's knowing full well that the WT had set 1975 up as a major date re Armageddon.

    After listening to witness crap for a decade (age 13 to 23, pioneering where the need was great and serving in multiple congo positions) I was convinced they were not a believable religion. We simply walked out. For a few years I thought about that date every now and then but no second guessing. When 1975 came and went I hardly noticed.

    In all honesty the faith I once had in being a witness was erroded's banality.

  • BluesBrother
    What effect did 1975 have on you?

    I was too dumb to let it affect my "faith and integrity"..We had heard of ones who left because of it, I knew one or two who never seemed as zealous and tailed off eventually... but no, good old Bro BluesBrother and his wife were never going to let it affect them.

    In the congo it became a point of honour, to show that we were not "fair weather Christians" and we could take disappointments and keep going..

    Anothe 25 years, approaching the only Millenium that we are likely to see, things were different. I finally wised up.. Doh!!

  • jonathan dough
    jonathan dough

    Given the number of websites devoted to 1975 it amazes me that the JWs still deny their false prophecy. How much proof do they need?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I actually bought in to the "time between Adam's and Eve's creation" argument at the time. Cult members will believe almost anything.

  • slimboyfat

    That is a good interview, I watched it some time ago. Not so keen on the transition to Christianity though.

  • thetrueone

    Fred Franz was the same involving idiot that calculated 6000 years from Adam existence up to 1975. ( an impossibility by the way )

    He obviously was the type who found that creating dates of significance was a useful tool, to heighten and spur fear among the

    followers, hastening the selling of the WTS. literature. $$$ Franz was a marketting excutive of a diferant style to be sure.

    Proselytizing in this method does show what kind of corruption has been operating at the head of this organization though.

  • thetrueone

    Another exposing video of the words of the leaders of this bogus publishing company.

    The power was there, as well as the money and most certainly the exploitation

  • callitquits76

    I like the channel this is taken from. Revelation TV in the UK. Has some great discussions on it. I dont know about you guys but when I see something like this I get very irritable and jumpy and all I want to do is run on stage to blurt out my experiences.

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