This Guy Nails It on 1975

by Perry 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Ding

    Mad Sweeney wrote:

    I actually bought in to the "time between Adam's and Eve's creation" argument at the time.

    It always amazes me that these WTS Bible chronology "experts" present precise year and month calculations and only later realize that they forget to factor in something obvious like the Adam-Eve creation gap. I don't think they have ever admitted that the gap theory is wrong, so we're at a 2011-1975 = 36 year gap and counting.

    This is similar to Russell calculating 1914 by taking 2520 - 606 (the supposed date of the fall of Jerusalem). When someone pointed out to this Bible chronology "expert" that there was no year 0, the WT got new light that Jerusalem fell in 607 BCE instead of 606.

  • thetrueone

    Fred Franz was the same involving idiot that calculated 6000 years from Adam existence up to 1975. ( an impossibility by the way )

    Either by bible chronology or by ancient historical archaeological time placement.

    Kind of shows the naive stupidity of people listening and believing the WTS. worded proclamations.

    Fred the Fraud pull one off big time creating alot of sales for the WTS. $$$

  • Heaven

    What effect did 1975 have on you?

    I was the same age as you Perry. In 1975, I suffered the loss of my maternal grandmother. This was huge in our family.

    Regarding Armageddon's failure to show, me and my school chums said mock goodbyes to each other when the JW's announced that Armageddon would be coming. Our whole family was consumed with my maternal grandmother's illness and death so Armageddon was not really a focus for us. Luckily at the time my Dad wasn't in so our family had a balancing of sorts happening.

    Looking back I think Armageddon was one of the reasons we moved from the city to a farm in 1973, though.

    But Armageddon was a nit in 1975 amongst the family due to this huge loss we were all suffering from. It wasn't until me and my bro. wanted to go to College (about 7 years later), that Armageddon and it's failure to show surfaced. Our Mom tried to convince us we didn't need College as the new system would be here shortly. We both pointed out to her Armageddon's failure to arrive in '75 (hey, that rhymes!) and that in order to get good jobs at good companies we would need some sort of post-secondary education.

    Me and my bro. both went to College. We got good jobs at good companies. And we never joined this cult.

  • Perry
    Me and my bro. both went to College. We got good jobs at good companies. And we never joined this cult.

    That's awesome!

    You definitely dodged a bullet. My uncle sold his house and died an alcoholic with hardly anyone attending his funeral.

    "He was weak" in the truth.

  • MrFreeze

    I've heard JW's say "they never said 1975 would bring Armageddon. They only noted the year it was in human history." I call bull. First off, they DID claim it would be the end. Even if they didn't, they knew that members were viewing 1975 as THE year. They should have settled them down then and said "We know many are looking forward to 1975. We know Armageddon is close but we can't put dates on our service to Jehovah." But no, they played on it and used it. It bit them in the butt.

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    MrFreeze is exactly right. At every meeting - at every assembly - at every convention - it was always "1975 will be a most significant year in human history..."

    The only thing they weren't sure about was the actual month and day that Armageddon would come that year. Fred Franz was actively supporting, and on more than one occasion, suggested October. For some reason, October seems to be the charmed month in JW mythology (October, 1914, etc.) I think it has something to do with the Jewish calendar.

    One issue that has been mentioned before, but is mostly ignored, is that Jewish years were 360 days long (they were lunar years). But JWs (and most apocalyptic religions) are totally comfortable using the current 365.25 day year as a replacement. So is "70 weeks of years" 360 or 365.25 days long? The Watchtower's leaders have just ignored that question and pretend it has no import.


  • thetrueone

    The Watchtower's leaders have just ignored that question and pretend it has no import.

    Of course but implying a date such as October still had its use to instill fear and heighten the circulation of the literature at that time.

    A marketing scheme that worked, unfortunately the years following this scam lead a lot of people to leave the organization entirely.

  • smiddy

    I was 36 yrs old in 1975,I became a jw in 1961,The expectation of 1975 as being the time jesus christ was to set up his kingdom of a 1000 yrs was rife.

    Not only did they say 1975 was an opportune time for JC to set up his kingdom,but because the scripture said "the days Mt.24:22 will be cut short it could have happened ealier.

    It didn`t

    I was 20 years old when I became Jehovahs Witness

    I will be 72 years old this year

    And i have been OUT since 1993

    I spent 33 years actively supporting the congrgations in various activities,however I always sidestepped becoming an elder because i didn`t want the responsibility of being an elder


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Though baptized in 1974 I didn't beleive the 1975 thing. "No man knows the day or hour" always rang true to me. I still got sucked into the fervor of the times though. I was inactive by late 1975 for 11 years.

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