Get to the point!

by Mr. Falcon 18 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Two Jehovah's Witnesses walk up to a house and knock on the door. A younger man wearing a t-shirt with all kinds of swirl-patterns on it (think tie-dye, but not quite) answers the door and the first JW goes into his presentation. He is offering the Watchtower on the "occult" (cue spooky music). He begins his presentation with a standard, pre-packaged greeting and then proceeds to introduce his reason for waking this guy up. "We see that, uh, in entertainment today, uh there are lots of, uh, things that deal with the occult, uh, like, ummm, we see, um.... vampires and ghosts and stuff on TV.... and, um... do you think this is just harmless fun?"

    Serious business, indeed.

    Needless to say, these two evangelists were given a demonstration in the operation of this man's front door being shut. They turn around and start strolling down the driveway. The JW who spoke at the door looks at the other one and offers this reason as to why the man was not interested. "He must be involved in the occult." The second JW failed to make this connection so he asked for clarification as to what evidence there was proving this. "Well, did you see his shirt?" The second JW gives a blank stare that should have been accompanied by the sound of crickets chirping.

    I recall reading a comment by keyser soze and although I can't seem to find it, it basically was him making the brilliant observation that "Jehovah will destroy at Armageddon anyone who did not immediately believe The 'Truth' based on a lame 30-second sales pitch." I thought about this observation the last time I was out in service. I studied the JWs giving their presentations to annoyed, bothered and busy householders trying to be polite. The presentations were AWFUL. And some of the worst presentations were given by men who are elders.

    Now, my intent here is not to claim that I can do better or to ridicule these bumbling, embarrassing sale pitches (cheifly due to it being way too easy) but to raise these questions: What really is the effectiveness of the door-to-door ministry? Have you ever had to endure an horrifically awkward presentation given to a impatient and irritable householder? If JWs are actively enrolled in the Theocratic Ministry School and participate during the Service Meeting, why are most of them so bad at the door? WHAT IS THE POINT OF ALL THIS???

    To quote Reverand Johnson's prayer from Blazing Saddles, "Oh Lord, do we have the strength to carry on this mighty task?....

    .....Or are we just jerking off?

    I look forward to your responses, my fine-feathered friends.

  • LostGeneration

    The message of Christ was simple and easy. Believe and be saved. (I'll let the Christians chime in if they want to explain it further)

    The message of JWs' is convoluted (believe in the WTBTS or else you die), difficult (607 to 1914 calculation) and narrow (only 144k get to be in heaven). Add to that their conversion process, starting with publishing company magazines for a few months or years, move into another WTBTS publication, months or years of indoctranation sessions either in their home or at the KH, then get baptized.

    Its no wonder they can't get anyone to get baptized unless they are born into this mess of a religion.

    The point? Even JWs lie at the doors and say "Oh, were not here to convert you" "We are just here to encourage you to read your bible"

    There would be a little more respect for them if they were open up front, offer the bible study, ditch the magazines. Tell them up front either convert or you die. At least that would be a true "separating work" like they claim they are doing.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Yeah the most important work in the history of MANKIND...Being done by a bunch of people who hopes no one answers the door in the 1st place!


  • Quendi

    You'd think that after nearly seventy years of Theocratic Ministry School and Service Meeting training, most JWs would be quite adept at the door-to-door ministry. But they aren't and never will be. For my part, I was quite good at it because I had discovered that it was very important to observe my surroundings when approaching the door and to listen quite intently to the householder. I asked questions that indicated a real interest in the person at the door, not what the magazines I was carrying were about. I learned to respond to whatever my householders said and attempted to find common ground with them. Most Witnesses are programmed to give presentations in a wooden and awkward fashion. Then they wonder why they get the door slammed in their faces.

    The fact is the field ministry is very unnatural and most people will never be good at it no matter how many School and Service Meeting parts they give and observe. And many JWs participate only because they have to. They don't have a real interest in their neighbors. They don't know how to start and cultivate relationships and friendships. The householder can detect this immediately, and so will reject both the messenger and the message. Who can blame them?

    The experience given at the start of this thread is typical. Based on a person's physical appearance, the Witness assumes he is involved in the occult. That absolves the Witness from any responsibility to present an interesting and coherent message. They blame the householder and then move on to the next door where the same sorry pattern repeats itself. When my service partner would commend me for having a good conversation with a householder and ask how I did it, I would tell them they needed to be emotionally invested in helping our neighbors. Many that I talked to never grasped that, nor did they attempt to develop the necessary and proper attitude to make the field ministry easier for them and their listeners.

    Well, I'm long gone from the WTS and don't go door-to-door anymore. It will be interesting for me to be on the other side of the door when and if any Witnesses ever knock on it. I imagine I will be subjected to the same kind of bad presentations that my neighbors have had to endure. But you'd think that the WTS would finally recognize that the poor results numberwise that the field ministry is giving prove it does not have the backing and blessing of the holy spirit despite the marvelous and wonderful experiences one hears at meetings, assemblies, and conventions. Of course, the organization will never admit this, more's the pity.

  • AGuest
    The message of Christ was simple and easy. Believe and be saved. (I'll let the Christians chime in if they want to explain it further)

    Well, since you asked, dear LG (peace to you!) - . This is a MAJOR misteaching (actually, an inadequate teaching) as there really is more to it than that. We know this because we know the demons believe he is the Son God and Christ... yet, they defy him (by persecuting all manner of humans, as well as animals and plants). Just believing isn't necessarily going to save anyone. It is those who EXERCISE that belief... who MANIFEST it... by their works. Not works of the Old Law (such works don't count for anything), but works of the NEW Covenant (which works count for everything).

    For example, forgiving others their sins, particularly those done against you. You manifest your BELIEF in Christ... as having the power to forgive sins... by doing so yourself. Another example is helping others with their physical needs: you manifest your BELIEF in Christ... as having the power to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, etc... by doing so yourself. And things like this.

    This is because he left a PATTERN that those who claim to believe in him are to FOLLOW. Thus, as he said to disciples, regarding HIS works, "And YOU will do works GREATER than these." For those who TRULY believe in him... and his powers... they are able to use those powers, by means of the gift of holy spirit... and that power's gifts... that he gives them. For example, to hear him/other spirits, heal the sick, speak in or interpret tongues... even resurrect the dead. They don't just "believe in" him; they BELIEVE in him as to what he did... can do... and will do... and MANIFEST that belief... that FAITH... by doing similar acts themselves. To the extent they possess (because of having asked for) the requisite gift to do so.

    Sadly, while many SAY they "believe in" him... their "works"... or lack thereof... show that they don't, truly. You can't truly be believing in Christ... and then go returning evil for evil, or reviling against your enemy... or harming others, for ANY reason. But, heck, most of them don't even believe he is really alive, let alone speaks... let alone grants holy spirit... let alone gives power to humans to do what he did when he walked among us. Unfortunately, the slavery of their MINDS... and hearts... doesn't permit it. For some, it's just too fantasmagorical.

    But it hocus pocus, really, and doesn't take special skills or "worthiness". It only takes two things, both of which he tried to teach us... and one of which he gave his life for: faith... and love. Faith that, by means of him, one CAN do it... and love that prompts one to WANT to do it.

    I know, I know... way too much for some to wrap their heads around. Pity... really.

    But I hope this helps YOU... maybe even moves you to ask for ears so as to hear when the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU:

    "Come! Take 'life's water'... which 'water' is the holy spirit of God, the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... His living and active force... by means of which men HAVE fed the hungry, healed the sick, even resurrected the dead... which 'water' is poured out from the innermost parts of His Son and Christ, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... free!"

    Peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • elderelite

    Falcon ill do u one better... I always hate when JW's knock on my door. Even when i was a staunch jw i hated it cause its sooooo lame and the presentations are weak and usually pointless.. So to think this is the basis for salvation... Our doing it and people who arnt home anyway acceptin it... Really..? Pointless. What kind of god judges u on a little kid knocking on ur door..? But then jw's will tell u that people are drawn to the truth.. I guess even when they r not home.

  • snakeface

    In the first century, Jesus' followers went from house to house, and they spoke to people in the marketplace, at wells, and anywhere people would be found. However, in those days there was no mail service, telephones, other words, that was the only method of communicating something that needed to be spread thru the community. The sending of "letters" is mentioned in the Bible; by Paul, and by various kings. These were handwritten notes, delivered by a messenger. In that era, if you and your family were inside your house, it would have been "normal" for a stranger to come to your door to talk to you.

    However, in today's world, other forms of communication are used. No one else goes around knocking on strangers' doors, not even the government. The only time the government comes to your door uninvited is if they have a warrant; other than that they contact you via mail. So today, when people are in their house and strangers come knocking at their door, they know that is not normal social behavior. Most of us do not even go uninvited to our next door neighbor's home to borrow a tool without calling first.

    I agree with Mr Falcon's statements, especially: "lame 30-second sales pitch."

    "JWs giving their presentations to annoyed, bothered and busy householders trying to be polite. The presentations were AWFUL. And some of the worst presentations were given by men who are elders."

    "What really is the effectiveness of the door-to-door ministry? Have you ever had to endure an horrifically awkward presentation given to a impatient and irritable householder? If JWs are actively enrolled in the Theocratic Ministry School and participate during the Service Meeting, why are most of them so bad at the door?"

    They are so bad at the doors because their hearts are not in it. Their consciences are telling them they are doing something not normal and that they are bothering their neighbors and alienating them.

  • miseryloveselders

    This thread is ironic, as this past Saturday I got almost the same reaction, well not me, but my partner. I haven't used the Occult magazine as this is America and I don't think the average American equates the Occult with the Twilight Saga. This magazine might fly in Haiti, but not in Idaho. At any rate, my partner, rung the bell, and a woman with her 10 year old or so son, came to the door. My partner got into her presentation, and the woman stopped her abruptly and said, "I'm not interested." So I and my partner politely said have a good day, and a good rest of the weekend and we turned and started walking away. Then before the woman closed the door, she said, "We're in the Occult! She then laughed with her son." Thats when I shocked her because I went, "hahahaa", genuinely as I thought what she said was funny. I looked back at her, and she had a surprised look on her face because she didn't expect me to laugh with her. It shocked her. My partner who's of the melodramatic type, always having a problem, easily offended over anything and everything that someone did or said at the hall, didn't find it amusing. I reasoned with her to have a sense of humor over these things, otherwise you'll lose your mind if you take all of this stuff too seriously.

    I hate working with some folks in FS, particulary people who ramble. It's winter time, and the householders aren't dressed appropriately to discuss why the fruit fly didn't evolve and had to have been created, for 5 minutes on the porch. Too many JWs force themselves on people. A few weeks ago after a meeting, I stopped at a Subway for a Black Forest Ham and Turkey sub. Some nut noticed me, and I seen him a mile away. I thought to myself, watch this nut try to make conversation with me. I'm by myself, and honestly I'm tired and I just want to be left alone. Sure enough, he approached me and asked if I was coming from church. Which I acknowledged yes without going into specifics as to what "church." He forced the issue, by asking where at. I told him the Kingdom Hall down the road. He said, oh you're a JWs. To which I replied yes, and he wanted to talk about the Holy Spirit and why JWs don't worship Jesus. I'm thinking to myself, c'mon bruh, I just want to eat and not be bothered, then it hit me!!! It really hit me right then and there, like I had a premonition!!! I'm irritated cuz this guy is bothering me while I'm trying to eat my lunch in peace, but guess what? I've been doing that for 20 years or so, knocking on people's doors bothering them at the most inconvenient of times to discuss things that they don't want to talk about! So eventually the guy got the point that I don't feel like talking, I feel like eating, and he wished me well and went his way.

    There's been times I've worked with some brothers and sisters who are just entirely clueless when it comes to reading people. The householder looks irritated, its cold outside, and the nut I'm working with doesn't have enough sense to say, "maybe I'll come back another time!" Or just leave a tract and move on!!! Maybe we expect too much from The Friends.

  • AGuest
    Jesus' followers went from house to house

    This is a LIE, dear Snakeface (peace to you!), taught by the WTBTS to support their random house-to-house work (which they initially did to SELL religious books/magazines... for a profit, even if a small one, but it all adds up... and do know in the hopes of getting donations, either at the door or by recruiting people into their ranks). It is based on a misuse of Paul's words to the older men when he was winding down his ministry. Paul was reminding them that he hid nothing, spoke openly, even in public (think Aereopagus), and from house to house... AMONG THEM. He went to THEIR individuals houses, stayed awhile sharing what he received, then, when all had their fill and/or received the holy spirit themselves, travelled to another's house, stayed there and did the same.

    Christ sent NO ONE house to house, as the WTBTS suggests... or even door to door in that manner. He sent several out and told them to seek out those deserving. Thus, they were sent door (to one known by Christ) to door (of another one known by Christ). Who were "those deserving"? Those who either he sent them directly to... or sent directly to them. For example, Peter to Cornelius... and Cornelius to Peter.

    There was no random knocking on doors or going from random house to random house.

    Again, I bid you peace!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Finally-Free

    If the householder had a "right heart condition" he would have accepted the magazines, read the article about "the resplendent butterfly", and immediately quit his job to pioneerâ„¢. Since he didn't do these things, he's dead meat, birdfood, and will be "as manure on the surface of the ground".


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