Witnesses at my door today

by Lily Pie 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Lily Pie
    Lily Pie

    @Illuminator: No they coined the term not me... But I was very open that I knew quite a bit about their religion.

    @ Black Sheep. Yeah, I knew they wouldn't know the answer. Thats why I asked it. And kept coming back to it... It occured to me that there are many black holes in JW bible knowledge. I kept the staple debate re: trinity, jesus and grace to the minimum. I dont want them to debate with me, I just want them to go home and read the bible for themselves . If they are actually interested in God, then they will.

    @Monroe @ Mozzies Amen

    @Punk @ Sweeny. This is what interests me the most. If they so desire God, enough to join this sect, then surely they should meet him. I really was trying to suss out from them how lifeless thier faith is, what strings I have to pull to bring it to life. It wasn't too dead though, still a spark of hope there.

    @ Heaven "No, you didn't waste your time" Thank You!

    Thanks everyone for your great input so far.

  • punkofnice

    I think it's really difficult if not almost impossible to penetrate the JW forcefield factory setting default. No matter how logical or how scriptural or how factual and provable an argument is that undermines the JW leader's authority, it doesn't work.

    They are afraid to question as they are really not good enough as it is and to question makes them worse in Jehovah's eyes.

    Mrs Punk may as well put her fingers in her ears and sing 'LALALALALALALALALALALALA' while I talk.......she isn't listening!!

    Try asking a JW how Jesus can possibly Michael the ArchAngel after reading Hebrews 1:4,5. As the CD Rom doesn't answer this question but bats it off into a different direction, I wonder if they'd come back?????

  • nugget

    This is a tricky one since witnesses are looking for a way to progress the converstion through to their agenda. Whilst they may acknowledge the question they will be firmly convinced that whatever they believe is correct even if they cannot explain it fully. They will be looking for a way to link your question to the offer of a study.

    When I was a witness I believed at one time that it was possible to have a relationship with God because I knew about his qualities and how these were demonstrated, I prayed daily and was told in Watchtowers how important it was that I had a personal relationship. I feared displeasing him and stressed if I thought or did something that might in any way grieve or upset him. He was very real to me but not a friend.

    As years progressed I felt the society was pushing me further away from God and Jesus. I was told I was too sinful to talk to god directly and although I could be declared righteous as a friend of god it was difficult to see how this would work in my imperfect state. I was also instructed that Jesus was not my mediator as I wasn't a member of the faithful and discreet slave. The way I demonstrated love for god was through obedience to GB. As a member of the rank and file God is a distant person more of an intellectual construct than a real being. Just because you know about someone it does not mean you have a relationship with them.

  • cyberjesus

    how do you know God is on your side?

  • DesirousOfChange

    In the past I would have thought "there is someone trying to count their time by preaching to me.......If they want to do that, let them call at MY door!" [wipe the dust from my feet]

  • jay88

    It maybe a good idea to let the Jehovah's Witness" do the preaching, and you do clean-up.

  • Lily Pie
    Lily Pie

    Thanks Lovely Lil! I'm sure God sent them to me for a reason. Either for my own development, or for the benefit of the JW's. Maybe both. We will see.

    @cyberjesus: "How do you know God is on your side?" My twisted answer; I'm on God's side.

    But you have really touched on the crux of the topic with this one. God could very well be friends with the Jehovah's Witness knocking on my door, I just don't know do I? Is their God less real than mine? (WT God isn't the real God, I'm talking about the God known by the individual witness). These subtleties interest me. Really have no investment in being right. This is the whole point of this thread for me, just really curious. For me God is a God of possibilities.

  • Jomavrick

    I think you wasted your time and they wasted thier time. No law against that. You favorite color is Blue and their favorite color is Red. Is it worth trying to convince each other your wrong?

  • undercover
    So I wonder - Did I waste my time on them?


    I think you wasted your time and they wasted thier time. No law against that. You favorite color is Blue and their favorite color is Red. Is it worth trying to convince each other your wrong?

    While I agree with the sentiment about wasting time trying to convince each other, the analogy of favorite colors falls flat. Favorite colors are preferences. There is no right or wrong.

    JWs don't teach their religion as their preference over others, they teach it as absolute truth and the only way to reach God/Jesus. They are either right or wrong. No middle ground. If they're wrong then their preference of believing it is wrong and their preaching that they are the truth is equally wrong.

    But, most of em don't listen to rational arguments when it comes to their beliefs, so it is a waste of time to try to reason with them.

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