Just never ceases to amaze me how things in the organization stay the same . You would think by 2011 these guys could come up with something better than " makeup now ,you know Jehovah hates a divorcing !" ( but obviously he doesn't mind a woman being abused !) geniuses....
This young wife was pushed down a flight of stairs by her JW husband ... this is not the first time abuse has occured . Her JW family has finally had enough and support her leaving . Yet here comes a YOUNG wet behind the ears Elder advising her to work it out !
My thoughts would have been to tell him to mind his own business . Or at least have him ponder the implications that could be heaped upon him ,IF she went back and next time she was hurt so badly she died ......how would he feel being partial to blame ?
I just have lost patience with ignorrant advice extolled by untrained Elders .