How the hell was True Grit rated PG-13?

by sabastious 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • sabastious

    The movie opens up with three men being hung and the camera angle leaves nothing to be desired. Then it's pretty much nothing but crazy fun violence from start to end; some of it was pretty grizzly.

    Don't get me wrong, flipping HELL of a movie... but it's weird that it somehow got a PG-13 rating.


  • miseryloveselders

    I should have never came into this thread, you should have put spoiler potential on the thread title. I haven't seen this yet, but you just ruined the beginning for me.

  • brotherdan

    Have you ever seen this documentary, Sab? It gives a pretty interesting insiders look into the ratings board. It's really all about business and politicians with an agenda. (Conservative Right Wings)

  • sinis

    I was suprised on the PG-13, should have really had been a PG movie :) I take it you have not seen some of the ultra violent movies that are R but really should have been NR-17... standards are changing today...

  • superpunk

    I dunno. I just know it was AWESOME.

  • Franklin Massey
    Franklin Massey

    No sex. No language. Just violence. One "F" word or nude scene and the MPAA would have given it an "R."

  • sabastious

    I guess it's obvious that standards are changing.


  • sabastious
    Have you ever seen this documentary, Sab? It gives a pretty interesting insiders look into the ratings board. It's really all about business and politicians with an agenda. (Conservative Right Wings)

    I wouldn't be surprised. I'd like to check it out.


  • sabastious
    I take it you have not seen some of the ultra violent movies that are R but really should have been NR-17

    Nope, can't stomach them. The images in those movies seem to haunt me for weeks. Watching overtly violent or frightening movies just don't bode well with me.

    To give examples of my taste:

    Signs: Good
    Event Horizon: Bad

    Alien movies: Good
    Saw movies: Bad


  • sabastious
    I dunno. I just know it was AWESOME.

    Man it was.


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