Isidore said,
Hello all. I'm new to the site. I was a cradle JW that was in the WT for about 25 years. I felt compelled to comment about some things that ProdigalSon was stating above. When you make the "crushing" accusations about the Catholic Church, can you cite some sources please? You're claiming that the Catholic Church did not teach or has never taught to love thy neighbor, forgiveness & gratitude? Have you actually read what the Church teaches in it's Catechism? I think you'd be surprised to learn that it in fact does teach these things.
Hi Isidore, and welcome!
I was born and baptized as a Catholic and attended masses and catechism until I was 8 years old. To make a long story short, they started teaching evolution in class one day, I made a really big scene, had them call my parents, a melee ensued between my parents, the deacon and a couple of nuns, and that was the end of Catholicism for my family.
I did not say that the Catholic Church does not teach those things. This has nothing to do with Catholic people. Just like the hypocritical Watchtower professes "love among themselves", their fruits belie that notion. I think we need to make a distinction between what a religion teaches and what its leadership actually DOES. I was speaking of the Roman Empire and its utterly brutal history. Seriously, do you really want to see links about the Inquisitions, Crusades, and torture and extermination of gnostics and other "heretics"? Why do you think the Nag Hammadi Library was found buried in a jar? Because they burned all the gnostics writings and burned the gnostics themselves. They burned the Library at Alexandria and wiped out at least 50,000 years of priceless human history. So do I really need to back up a statement like that? If you want to defend the Catholic Church, that's a can of worms that I really don't think you want me to open.