Were you 'alive in '75' and how was that year for you?

by punkofnice 179 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Heaven

    OUTLAW's Baaaaaack! Woohoo! Good to , uh, read you again.

    Sorry... now back to your regularly scheduled thread.

  • d

    I remeber the fear and hype of 9/11 many in my Kingdom hall were saying how this oculd be it.I used to have nughtmares of Army tanks invading my street and people being shot and all hell breaking loose.2001-2004 was crazy year for me and of course 2008 the year I left.Now I look back and think man I was scared of Armageddon which never came.One brother told when I was younger in 2001 that this syestem of things would not last four years.well here we are many years later and no Armageddon

  • sooner7nc

    I was 5. It was a good year. I believe that was the year that I got a dog named Pug and my tricycle was ran over by my Uncle Merle. That's pretty much all I can remember for sure and I'm not 100% on those things either.

  • crapola

    You did have a dog named Pug but I don't remember the tricycle getting run over. I just knew you'd never start school. Now look at you! :)

  • sooner7nc

    Hell Yeah! old and fat and still not done with school. LOL

  • stichione

    I remember in July 1975 when I was 11 my mother booked a flight to Italy with her 3 kids to visit her family which lived in a small town, that is to say my grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. Her intention was to try to "save" them, by letting them know that the time was very limited and that the Governing Body the Bible was teaching that the big "A" was coming in a few months. Needless to say no one listed to her (good for them!).

    When we went back in 1981 we heard an earful and got some taunting (rightly so) from family members. My mother was all defensive saying that God delayed judgement to give people a chance to listen to the good news as preached by the Witnesses be saved! But that didn't stop her from getting into arguments over the Bible with my aunt who was a nun. A priest even came over to talk to my mother (now that I think about it, it was almost an exorcism!).

    Thankfully non of those family members became witnesses.

  • coffee_black

    I was born in.... I was pregnant with my daughter, Ali, in 1975.


  • punkofnice
  • punkofnice

    Any newbies remember 1975?

  • coffee_black

    I was pregnant in 1975...now that was fun. Ali was born in March of 1976. I never really bought into the 1975 thing... My Dad always said that we should not serve for a date.....and that if Jesus didn't know the day or hour, then how in the world did the organization think they could figure it out.


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