Demonstrations From the Platform

by DarioKehl 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • DarioKehl

    Good evening, all...

    Still relatively new here so if I'm posting about a topic that's already been run into the ground, I apologize. But I just wanted to acknowledge the typical "demo" we all see at meetings, assemblies and conventions. Even back when I was a good-goody teen dub, my brother, friends and I would jokingly refer to demos as "5-minute Illustrations on How to Say 'NO.'"

    The ones that crack me up most are when a single person walks around with a mic in hand, pondering aloud their internal dialogue. We've all seen it. The last one I recall "looked in" (voyerism? ok!) on a brother who just endured a high-pressure sales pitch for "the latest technological gadget" (an obvious jab at the iPhone4). It went something like this:

    "WOW! This device can do literally ANYTHING! I can watch my favorite MOVIES, listen to all my MUSIC without carrying all my bulky CDs around, take PICTURES of our trip to unassigned territory (bing!), EMAIL, TEXT, send VIDEOS!!! Why, I can even DOWNLOAD the Watchtower and AWAKE! magazines in mp3 format RIGHT TO THIS DEVICE so I can be up-to-date on all my reading (bing!)! Huh... Brother Spiritual-Enough has one and HE LOVES IT! (scratches head) And Brother and Sister Missionary would LOVE to stay in touch with all of us after being assigned overseas (bing!). Why, I could INSTANTLY ACCESS THEM through this device to share INSTANT UPDATES, INSTANT PHOTOS AND INSTANT VIDEOS (by this time, he is literally SHOUTING into his mic!!! then...the coached change in volume and pensive chin rub-down) ...but... of course, they'd need one of these devices too. I KNOW! I could send them an INVITATION to my MOBILE SOCIAL NETWORK account! Those are accessible to ANYONE, ANYTIME! ANY WHERE!!! I mean, I know the faithful slave WARNS us of using such sites, but it's ONLY for COMMUNICATING with good, spiritual brothers and sisters about spiritual things! What's the harm in THAT? ...of course, Brother Trying Hard DID have problems when his teenage son was seen engaging in unwholesome messaging on HIS account. And DIDN'T he upload some rather inappropriate pictures from a recent Witness gathering? That sure caused a lot of heartache for Brother Trying Hard... but I'M not going to do THAT stuff! NO WAY! Buuuuut...I wiiiiilll have to figure out how I'm going to PAY for this though. My wife wants to start regular auxillary pioneering next month. Hmmm... I COULD charge it to a CREDIT CARD. Yeah... but THAT would just add more debt to our budget and WE want to eventually pay off ALL debt so we can be like Brother and Sister Missionary! (bing!)

    ...WOW. (looks down, shakes head) What was I THINKING? How much TIME would I spend on this device? Sure it's convenient, but as SOON as I buy it, there will be an even BETTER model hitting the shelves a day later! (laughter and nudging from the pious in the audience). And what kind of EXAMPLE would I be setting for the YOUNGER ones if I had an active social network account? Why, I may even be sent PORNOGRAPHIC MATERIAL by mistake!!! I guess I really DO need to re-evaluate my thinking on material things. The amount of money and time lost to a device like this could be put to MUCH BETTER USE in Kingdom Service to Jehovah. That's it, I'm calling my wife (beep beep beep): 'Honey, I'm NOT buying this device.'"

    (Thunderous applause)

    Please submit YOUR paradies of this style of demonstration! I can't wait to see some creative satire! DAZZLE me

  • wasblind

    " The amount of money and time lost to a device like this could be put to MUCH BETTER USE in Kingdom Service to Jehovah. That's it, I'm calling my wife (beep beep beep): 'Honey, I'm NOT buying this device.'"

    BTW Great thread Dario

  • Girlie

    LMAO Can't wait to see some creative demos myself. Thanks for the thread and laugh!

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    And DIDN'T he upload some rather inappropriate pictures from a recent Witness gathering?

    Shouldn't the elders be more concerned with how those "inappropriate pictures" came into being? What was going on at that party???

  • wasblind

    "And DIDN'T he upload some rather inappropriate pictures from a recent Witness gathering? "

    That's a definite sign that this mess came straight out of brooklyn

    cause nobody else can make their own selves look that bad but the bozo's in brooklyn

  • pontoon

    If you want to see the newest a latest technology out there check in with the bethelites (the ones that got money from daddy). They are always on the cutting edge.

    Good job on that post Dario. I swear it sounds like about the last assembly demo I saw. Can't remember where. Maybe about 2 yrs ago.

  • DarioKehl

    You gotta LOVE the demos where a kid comes home from school and wants to do something any normal kid would want to do (sports, dance, trip with worldly kids, buy a specific skirt, accept irresistable scholarship offer). And of course, that instigates the "How to Say 'NO!' In Five Minutes" Demo extravaganza!!!

    They all follow the same format:

    1.) Discuss the pros (and even throw in some SPIRITUAL-SOUNDING benefits!)

    2.) Defend the FIRST.

    3.) Then MmmmmEDITAaaaaaTe on it and express shock, horror, guilt, fear, remorse at yourself for EVER defending the cons.

    4.) Sigh loudly, shaking your head and set your thinking straight by OOHH-LWAYS rejecting Satan's crafty distractions!

  • Queequeg

    BTW the official WTBS term for the solo demos is soliloquy. I had a few, and felt completely stupid the whole time I was doing it!

  • Alfred

    Dario... this is a word-for-word translation of a demo I heard in a Circuit Assembly about 2 years ago. I remember thinking: Wow! The Society must have figured out that their revenue decline (that year) was due to an increase of brothers buying the latest smart phones (to look more successful than they really were).

  • DagothUr

    I confirm it too. I think it was in a circuit convention somewhere in 2008 and if I am not mistaken, the theme of the convention was something like "Jehovah, the great potter". Or something like that.


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