New ex-JW memoir coming out...

by brizzzy 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • brizzzy

    @Juan Thank you so much! I'm really so glad you enjoyed the ARC. Having a first book come out is so nerve-wracking! I'm anxious to do a good job, so positive advance reviews mean a lot to me.

    The final version being released at the end of April is going to be much nicer quality (rough deckle-edge paper, French flaps, Book Club/Readers' Guide in the back, etc.) And of course, no typos (we caught a couple minor ones in the ARC and they've been fixed). I hope you'll let me sign a copy for you!

  • miseryloveselders

    Congratulations Brizzy. Wish you nothing but success. Go get em!

  • headisspinning

    I ordered a copy through

    I really can't wait.

    Thank you!

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    Released today. Review at

    Lots of Facebook traffic about this today. I think she is going to be very successful - and it's a very good book.


  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Just got my book today. looking forward to reading it

  • Dagney

    Very proud of our gal Bri. I just read the first 2 chapters, and enjoyed it. Descriptive writing, you feel what she is feeling.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    1/2 way through! Great so far but I like happy endings! You have been through so much but NOW is life good? I always read the last page of any book I read but can't figure it out? Thanks for sharing your story. We have some events in common I think so many JWs Ex jw's do. Nice getting to know you through your book

  • Gayle

    Just got book thru Amazon,,just started reading,,really good so far.

    Already, I am proud of you.

  • jgnat

    I love the catchy title, and I think relevant to the broader audience. Congratulations.

  • Violia

    I just ordered it from Amazon too. Congrats, your first book was cute and youthful . I'm sure this will be a hit too. I support my local XJws

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