New ex-JW memoir coming out...

by brizzzy 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • brizzzy

    Thank you, ladies! I'm so glad you are enjoying it - although I see that already the JWs have begun descending on my Amazon page ;) I love how they don't *actually* read it, and just post the standard "It's all lies! Lies and out of context by an angry, bitter, immoral apostate!" comments :-P Good thing I don't bother arguing with cultists anymore. Just gotta shrug it off. I think they do the most damage to their own cause by getting all nutty in their own defense.

    @FoundSheep Life is getting better. It's a process, innit? Still quasi-homeless, but now have a job...and a book that may or may not do OK. Ask me again in a couple months...there's been interest in the move rights ;) I'm kinda hoping if that happens, it'll be a big step in the direction of life being good, or at least more sustainable.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    I just finnished your book and feel like I know and love you so much! If you want to move to VA you always have a room in my home! I hope the bestest for you dear!

  • Violia

    I just read it and please excuse me for mixing you and Kyra up. (my bad) .

    I felt as though you were taking us all into your confidence. I liked that very much. I too noted at least one reviewer on amazon thought you were a 7th day Adventist.

    I hope you write more . I was so involved with your story.

  • Gayle

    Wow,,Brianna,,just finished your book,,you had quadruple whammies in your life! You are a survivor big time and still young.

    Being raised a JW kid is a whammy, full of unnatural expectations, and an abundance of empty rules.

    Compounded to that, disfunctional parents. My opinion, that any parents converting into JW life have something "off" to some degree or another, some more than others. Then, outside of JWs there is no social network to go, as it is forbidden all along. None the less, we, all exJWs, have "stuff" to recover from.

    Thirdly, the financial crisis, losing a job and no home to live is a crusher to most anybody and we all shudder at the possibility. Studies show that most are just a paycheck or two away from that possibility.

    In the fourth dimension, you were alone, lonely, no real substantial emotional support, needing love, and at an age where having a normal relationship easily becomes foremost a priority. I am sickened you had to go through such horrible circumstances, to the point of your possible life in two critical circumstances, and alone. Most of us have loved and lost. We will never really understand the other person, however, we do learn more about ourself. Perhaps, at least words of wisdom, "love your neighbor, AS YOURSELF." I think most JWs, including me, didn't hear or comprehend those last two words. Took awhile.

    Well, girl, proud of you on your successes. I guess we learn more by our failures, they say. But your successes are many and strong. Remember your successes mostly as they are outstanding.

    I remember the movie, "Where The Heart Is," Ashley Judd and Natalie Portman. Pregnant girl living at Walmart. Cute story. I think you've got a good movie possibility like that. You are amazing and so many best wishes to you.

  • Found Sheep
    Found Sheep

    Would love to know how you are! If you are OK!? You have friends here. PM me if you need anything at all

  • Dagney

    Bri is doing very well. I believe she is enroute or has just arrived in NYC for her book promotion/tour. I'm sure she will pop in with an update when she can. She has had a whirlwind few weeks with the book release, press and related activities.

    She is quite a wonderful person and a fantastic writer if I do say so myself!

  • talesin

    Can someone post the name of the publisher and ISBN number?

    I'm suggesting it as a purchase at my local library, and need this information. Thanks!

    and WOW brizzzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • GLTirebiter
    Can someone post the name of the publisher and ISBN number?



    Brianna Karp, "The Girl's Guide to Homelessness"

    [edited first word on the title]

    @ Brizzy--

    Great job! Reading your story was an intense experience. I couldn't avoid feeling the emotions you poured into those pages. Congratulations on a job well done.

  • jair_irwin

    That's awesome! All the best!


  • talesin

    @ GLTirebiter

    ... and noted.

    Thanks so much!


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