Riveting JW judicial committee hearing.... caught on video!

by koolaid-man 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    KOOL-AID MAN- I thought it was pretty funny actually. And that's coming from someone who HAS been victimized by JC's several times ! Since I won my appeal over a JC appeal committee - I DID find this rather therapeutic like Bob said. I mean , you know- it's not in the realm of Borat , Religulous, or Saturday Night Live satire- however for non-paid amateur comedians trying to spoof the WT society I think it was good. Kind of got tired of the guy saying he was going to take pictures 90 times - that being said - I feel it DID make some very valid points of how rule oriented these JCs are from a man made source AND that the typical JW doesn't have access to the ever changing rules which switch on a dime whenever the new elder manuals come out !

    It made the point of showing the unfair advantage of Bob being outnumbered by the JC members and that there was NO WAY for him to be informed that rules had changed in the new elders manual. So I thought it showed that up very well. Good job guys . My wife said Carol Burnett was quoted as saying that " comedy is tragedy plus time " . So to consider something so tragic in a humorous yet thought provoking manner didn't offend me at all. I don't subscribe to WT rules in my life anyway . They are ALL unfair

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    sorry rick


    why put it up as a 'riveting JW judicial commitee hearing... caught on video'.

    when it IS NOT?

    not only, not 'caught', but staged as well and it is a mock hearing and not an actual one.

    again, this stuff does far more harm than good. Why resort to lies and deception to get your message accross?


  • koolaid-man

    As I said in a earlier post.... For those who do not like spoofs..... Here is an actual judicial committee hearing caught on tape. It is the real thing!.....


  • wasblind

    Good morning Rick,

    I thought from the title of the thread that is was to be the real deal

    then when it was made clear that it was a spoof I understood where

    you were comin' from and actually enjoyed the laugh.

  • Millions

    Energy drinks :)

    This reminds me of an assembly rehearsal one time, where a brother did a demo on how he had to help his bible study on the matter of wind chimes. We surely felt protected and cared for, knowing that the Society were aware of the dangers posed by such garden ornamentation and were doing their best to keep us safe. It would probably be a DF offence to willfully and deliberately keep a wind chime despite warnings from the body of elders.

    At least these guys could have a laugh about the past, probably quite healthy to do so. As long as it's not every Sunday at 10am.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    The pitch: "You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth". The reality: "Nearly seven billion of you will be slaughtered by God so we can have paradise." The pitch: "Riviting JW judicial committee hearing.... caught on video". The reality: "Amatuer night at the reformed Jesus lovin happy church night featuring brother Rick and the Rivets." It's the old bait and switch, some things never change. Just wasn't funny. Parody is funny, this wasn't.

  • DocBob

    That was the first time I was on that side of a judicial committee

  • breathing

    have to say i thought is was funny, ive been in front of a few jcs, and they traumatised me, so to to see them being ridiculed and made a joke of, helps me in my recovery,

    to this day, to see a bloke in a suit and tie and to hear serious tones like they used, goes right through me, i actually feel terrified, so anything that cuts through all that crap is welcome by me, though the consequences of those jcs, cos totally fxxk up lives, the power they have is just evil,

  • edmond dantes
    edmond dantes

    And whats more don't bring anymore trumped up charges against law abiding citizens to my court room .Case dismissed.

    But your honour Curly was definately in the chicken coop last night he's got feathers falling out of his pocket.

    Court scene Three Stooges.

  • satinka

    "Thanks for the 'come back offer" ... but you know, ....I found steak, I found prime rib. Why would I ever come back to baloney?"

    Loved it!


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