But seriously, koolaid-man...I listened to your audio tape of the actual committee meeting with you.
I was shocked to hear how the commitee blatantly defended the child-molesters. Actually asking you how you would feel if you were disciplined in front of the congregation as a known child molester. To that I would ask the elders, how would you feel if you were a victim of child-abuse and the congregation elders did not defend the victim; instead the molester was defended. Because that is what the elders really do.
I agree that the pedophilia list is important. The public and the congregation members need to know and deserve to know. Public knowledge of this list might help the felon face the heinous nature of his crime.
For elders to keep silent is to enable the criminal to continue his sick criminal behavior.
Overall, it seems to me tthat the elders had their minds made up before going into the meeting. I know what that feels like. It happened to me, too.
At the time it felt like a terrible injustice. My two kids shun me now. What you say about inciting hatred is true of the JWs.
Truth be known, I now admit I am better off out of the JWs, even if it is without my kids.
I feel much healthier these days.
Thanks for sharing this painful story.