A roaring current of change.... Is The Watchtower in the process of a major overhaul of their religion?

by koolaid-man 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • kimbo

    I would say a slow change

    and for some they will never change

    wait on Jehovah excuse.

    they will be in the truth till the big " C "


  • DesirousOfChange

    They are happy as witnesses and I do not think they will leave, regardless of any changes.

    If they're happy, what's it matter to anyone else?

    There are an awful lot of miserable people around today.

  • just n from bethel
    just n from bethel

    Farkel, Villa, and Shamus all I can say is:


  • Gorbatchov


    You are in the same difficult situation as I am. I don't sing, dont pray, don't read but only listen on the meetings.

    It makes me sad. But I still attend because of my family relations.

    Today was a very sad meeting.

    A childish explanation why we have to sit when the congregation sings. A disussion about the picture of the article. What boy is good, what boy is bad!

    The rank-and-file is eating it like pancake with honey!

    I feel - same like you - very alone. Alone. Alone.

    And hope and pray my son and daughter (now baby's) will follow higher education and college instead of pionering (...)

    I hate this religion but can not escape...

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    They are so blasé about the religion, most probably aren't paying much attention, feeling they already know all about it and are just going through the motions. I doubt most born-ins and old-timers really see the power grab trend of the GB, because if they're probably so bored they're not paying attention.

    I can attest to this. My parents, when I spoke with them about the generation change from just "the anointed" to "the overlapping generations of anointed" were not only unaware that "the generation" now meant "the anointed" but they were also unaware that from 1995 to 2007(? 08? ) "the generation" meant wicked people.

    They were still under the impression (and still are) that "the generation" means people alive in 1914. That is what they were taught and new light be damned.

    These are typical JWs of the older school. They learned "the truth" and "the truth" doesn't change. Those of this type who do eventually embrace new understandings generally act as if this is what they believed all along; they fool themselves into really thinking that.

  • Nickolas

    If they're happy, what's it matter to anyone else?

    That's actually a good question, DOC, but what is the cost of that happiness? The cost to the individual happy Witness is substantial in itself, loss of identity, loss of freedom of thought, movement and expression, loss of some of the greater pleasures in life, loss of friends and family who have broken away. There is also a cost to others. Call it collateral damage. The shunned ones, the children whose lives were sacrificed to the blood idol by their parents, the older people who didn't get married and have children themselves because of the hollow promise that the New System was just around the corner and whose generation did indeed "pass away", the non-JW spouses and children who are denied a normal life against their will. From my perspective, the happiness of someone matters a great deal if it depends on consuming the lives of themselves and others.


    If they're happy, what's it matter to anyone else?

    Jehovah`s Witness`s are Happy because..

    The WBT$ tells them they`re "The Happiest People on Earth"..

    If the WBT$ told JW`s they were Cows..

    JW`s would grow 4 legs,a tail,start Mooing and produce 2 Gallons of Milk a day..

    "We keep our Jehovah`s Witness in the Barn!"


    ........................... ...OUTLAW

  • punkofnice

    If you ask me, and I know you didn't, it matters not whether we think this is all sensationalism or not...........bottom line for me is that the WTBT$ changes all have to do with MONEY!

    Close branches, send bethelites home........the GB want to live like rock stars. Selling assets to afford that free holiday somewhere away from world disasters.

    Screw the GB. They're not getting anymore of my cash..........mine goes into beer shares!!

  • wasblind

    Yea right !!!! The Slavemasters use to refer to the slaves as bein' the happiest people on earth

    The WTS have been usin' the Ole slavemasters playbook

    Watchtower 1999 10/1 p. 8 par. 13 Of course, the fact that Jehovah?s servants "weep" over the sorry state of world affairs does not preclude their being happy. On the contrary! They are actually the happiest group of people on earth.

  • Nickolas

    Watchtower 1999 10/1 p. 8 par. 13 Of course, the fact that Jehovah?s servants "weep" over the sorry state of world affairs does not preclude their being happy. On the contrary! They are actually the happiest group of people on earth.

    Oh geez, did they actually publish that?

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