A roaring current of change.... Is The Watchtower in the process of a major overhaul of their religion?

by koolaid-man 81 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gayle

    No roar,,but the engine doesn't sound quite the same, wear and tear, slowing down, a lot of re-hauling, getting to be too much miles on the ole machine.

  • wasblind

    See for yourself, this didn't come from Johnnie the bethelite so you can trust this


  • wasblind

    " The cost to the individual happy Witness is substantial in itself, loss of identity, loss of freedom of thought, movement and expression, loss of some of the greater pleasures in life, loss of friends and family "

    Nick, according to the U.S. history books, you sumed up the life of a slave


    Watchtower 1999 10/1 p. 8 par. 13 Of course, the fact that Jehovah?s servants "weep" over the sorry state of world affairs does not preclude their being happy.

    On the contrary! They are actually the happiest group of people on earth.

    Oh geez, did they actually publish that?.....Nickolas


    It`s Obvious Jehovah hasn`t "Happified" Nickolas..

    "Since Jehovah is the Source of all good and happifying things..." (W91 12/15 p. 8)

    ............................ ...OUTLAW


    The WTS have been usin' the Ole slavemasters playbook.....Wasblind

    "Overseers" and "Field Service" should be a Red Flag for anyone..


    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • Ding

    Is the WTS really changing?

    Doesn't it all still boil down to, "How grateful you should be that you have the GB of the FDS to run every aspect of your life"?

  • thetrueone

    The GB members now are dancing with hundreds of millions of dollars extrapolated out people they coerced with their doctoral dogma

    and fear mongering.

    Its no wonder now they are cooling off their demands on to their followers, they have the money intact , now all they have to do is try and sustain

    themselves without troubling reprisals from the rank and file members. The game is always been about money and power.

    The only difference now is this vile scam is been in operation for over 100 years and now they are forced to operate

    within a population that is better educated in new age of information realized by the inter-net.

  • wasblind

    A truly Happified man, dressed and ready for field service

  • Nickolas

    Oh shit, happyfying? Really? As in the verb to happyfy? That's just too funny. The cretins are even butchering the English language. Sounds a lot like happyfied horseshit.

  • wasblind

    Nick and Outlaw are too much

    Yea and just imagine, when April roll around

    their happy asses will really be jumpin'

    with that happified horseshit, But as you know

    Ole smilin' Bob in my previous post really smilin'

    bout that little blue pill he took. for his work after field service

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