I have 2 kids. I started telling the oldest at about 4 and 5 years old that we celebrate all birthdays and holidays. Aunt & Grandpa do not. They go to the Kingdom Hall and do everything the people there tell them to do. One of those things is to not celebrate birthdays and holidays. They are like zombies, doing whatever is told. Kids understand Zombies.
One time, an Aunt came down to attend the Memorial near me. She was trying to make it into a special celebration that she went to. My oldest was in the 1st grade or so. "I said, Aunt X celebrates Jesus death and Last Supper; and they observe this once a year. Other churches like our neighbors celebrates this each and every week by taking a sacriment. The Bible and Jesus did not say exactly how often to celebrate the Last Supper. Aunt X's Kingdom Hall does it once a year and our neighbor's church thinks it's so important they do it once a week."
I've had the requests to take our children to the Kingdom Hall. I've always refused to allow them to go.
I innoculated the kids by telling them that if anyone wants to ever talk about God, Jehovah, Bible, Jesus, Kingdom Hall, Paradise, etc....STOP and say, "I've got to have my mommy & daddy with me when we talk about this kind of stuff." Then, I told the JWs of my rule. They are too scared to now ever try to talk with them.
Now that the oldest is in the double-digits...I freely use the words, "Cult", "Mind control", "Brainwashing", etc. You better believe I will have them completely educated on cults by the time they are 15.
Most importantly, I changed my will in case of my death. No way my kids will end up like Michael Jackson's...with a damned Kingdumb Melodies song book in their hands and pedophiles slobbering on them.