nugget - " looks like you are on the radar and they will either step up the encouragement or leave things be."
Maybe, I dunno.
U can't seem to shake the vibe that (what with the increasingly apparent weeding process that seems to be ramped up lately) GB2.0 might institute some kind of unwritten rule (say, in a letter that gets shredded or something) that if an inactive JW doesn't make an appearance in, like, 6 months or a year or something, they'll regard him or her as having unofficially* (and perhaps "brazenly", since that term can have pretty wide latitude) disassociating themselves.
I could be wrong.
* "Unofficial" meaning not necessarily announced from the platform; maybe just a footnote in that person's congregation file, and perhaps telling immediate JW family, but counseling them to keep it on the down-low so as to avoid congregation "disunity".