Wikileaks: U.S. Believes Saudi Arabia Is Running Out Of Oil

by Bangalore 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bangalore

    Wikileaks: U.S. Believes Saudi Arabia Is Running Out Of Oil.


  • GOrwell

    This has been suspected for quite few years now (Simmons etc), but never openly reported on till now.. The key paragraph is this:

    "None of this is to say that the world has run out of oil – far from it, in fact – but it does mean that Saudi Arabia, the largest country in the Middle East and the country that's thought by experts to hold about one-fifth of the world's proven total petroleum reserves, won't be able to provide enough oil to keep the world operating as it does today."

    The author tries to be reassuring, but it's irrelevant that we're not going to run "out" of oil right now. All we have to cross is the tipping point, where each year the world oil supplies provide just a little bit less than the year before. That tipping point welcomes in some pretty ugly scenarios, including resource wars (I'd say US invades Canada in 10 years) and starvation on a wide scale (the entire Green Revolution in the 1950-1960's was on the back of technology and fertilizer (which is primarily oil/nat gas based) innovations.)The US government is fully aware of this peak oil scenario. Try googling for a somewhat "hidden" US document detailing what the world will look like in 15 years or so. I'm still trying to find it, but will link when I do.

  • transhuman68

    The oil industry is so secretive it is probably impossible to work out when peak production will occur. Less supply will mean major problems, but humans have always been highly adaptable. Hopefully the changes will go smoothly.

  • Farkel

    We have 80 years worth of natural gas reserves and Canada has another 40 years worth. That is 120 years of gas fuel in reserve that can easily be converted to run automobiles and just about everything else that oil now runs. That is plenty of time for us to find better and renewable energy sources. If we need 2 or 3 hundred more years of time, we still have coal.

    Why aren't we utilizing it? We could send the Arabs to hell if we did. They belong in hell, you know. They can't do any terrorist shit in hell, and even if they could, they would just be killing other idiots.

    I prefer letting them keep their oil and go back to riding camels because no one would be willing to buy their oil. They are very good at riding camels and living in the Dark Ages. VERY good at that.


  • villabolo

    An excellent source of information on this subject is:

    You only need a decline of 3% or so in order to cause a substantial escalation in the price of gasoline.

    Conversion of coal to liquids is extremely expensive. The Nazi's did it in WWII but nonetheless invaded North Africa for their oil reserves.

    As for natural gas reserves and vehicles that run on natural gas; there already are cars and vans that run on natural gas. The problem with that, like any other fuel source for vehicles is that substitution of one fuel for another does not address the major issue.

    It is the heavy weight of the vehicle versus the small payload together with the huge number of those vehicles that is the true problem. 200 million automobiles need so much energy to run, that even if they were magically converted to natural gas overnight, they would cause a major drain of natural gas reserves. A 100 years of NG could easily dwindle to a couple decades.

    Furthermore, it would raise the price of NG which, in turn, would put it in direct competition with fertilizer production-hence food costs. Also, heating bills would go up as market supplies are drained relative to demand. Automobiles are simply too voracious a consumer of energy, in any form, to continue their existence in their present form.

    Amory Lovins has dealt with the true issue of transportation vehicles, namely that of extreme weight reduction through the use of exotic metals. I don't believe, however, that this can be done in time to avoid a crisis. More on Amory Lovins:

    This car, however, is currently in production:

    The car of the future


  • TotallyADD

    Why not it would be a good way for americans to lose all that fat and become more healthy. Think about all the noise pollution that would to gone. Even the air would smell good. Just a thought. Totally ADD

  • WTWizard

    There are multiple ways to cut back on oil use, but unless an alternative energy source that does not waste 80% of our food supply is implemented, it is only going to delay the inevitable. What ever happened to nuclear fusion? They have had all this time since 1973, but all they ever do is talk the talk. Someone needs to shut up and get nuclear fusion on the market, and the government needs to get the fxxx out of the way.

    Until then, there are effective ways to cut back on energy use without freezing in the dark. To start, what about those incandescent light bulbs you still have? Compact fluorescent or LED bulbs use much less energy (and last longer to boot). Use those LED bulbs for places where lights are always being turned on and off--CFL bulbs are better if they are going to be left on a long time. LED bulbs are getting better--we are about where we were with CFLs in the late 1980s today with LED lights, and they will (barring a total collapse in the government where the Rothschilds implement Agenda 21 worldwide) get better.

    If you are going to decorate, using those LED lights instead of incandescent lights saves 90% of the energy plus the strands tend to last longer. Using pastel LEDs (if and when you can find them) for Easter, or using warm white LEDs and pastel eggs, is cheaper than incandescent lights plus they are fire-safer. Patriotic lights, if you are not embarrassed by president Osama Obama, are available in red, white, and blue. Christmas and Halloween lights are available in LEDs as well--I hope eventually those window decorations that are pre-lit become available as LEDs soon. Pre-lit Christmas trees in LED are already available.

    Now, that car. If you pedal, you are going to save whatever gas you would have had to buy. This is not the total solution to the energy crisis (real or fake). But, it will allow you to pedal past $5 gas and stations that are totally out of gas and will be until further notice. Bicycles are also simpler to maintain, pollute less (yes, they pollute a little with the oil you put on the chain), and cost much less to maintain (you will be thinking of that when hyperinflation comes to a country near you). A pedal car has similar advantages, but is heavier and more complicated. The disadvantages of pedaling a bicycle is you are limited in speed and cannot haul very heavy loads. And you are exposed to the weather, so you will get wet if it rains while you are pedaling. But, you get your exercise and that helps keep you that much less fat (I estimate 5-10 pounds, depending on how much you ride).

    You can also save money and energy by lowering your heat (also saves static electricity, dry skin, and colds and flu) in winter. Keeping your HVAC system in good condition also saves energy, and makes it last longer. Using shade trees to cool your home in summer makes the air conditioner's job easier. Proper insulation also makes things use less energy. And there is such a thing as putting on a sweater if you are cold in your home. Getting more energy efficient appliances also helps (especially a refrigerator and air conditioner, but also infra-red cooking) but it consumes silver and, with the price of silver going up, silver may be in even shorter supply than oil.

  • BurnTheShips
    Wikileaks: U.S. Believes Saudi Arabia Is Running Out Of Oil.

    This is old news Matt Simmons (RIP) wrote about the bogus Saudi reserves years ago in his book Twilight In The Desert.

    In the meantime:

    US proved natural gas, crude oil reserves soar

    * Gas reserves rise most in U.S. history

    * Technology advances, not new fields, boost reserves

    U.S. natural gas reserves increased by the most in history last year, and crude reserves also rose, as companies drilled frantically into shale rock
    formations with new technology...

    U.S. net proved crude oil reserves rose 9 percent, or 1.8 billion barrels, to 22.3 billion barrels in 2009. Texas saw its proved oil volumes rise most, by 529 million barrels, or 11 percent.

    North Dakota, home of the oil-rich Bakken Shale formation, saw its reserves jump by a whopping 83 percent, or 481 million barrels.

    North America: The new energy kingdom

    Just as it seemed that the world was running on fumes, giant oil fields were discovered off the coasts of Brazil and Africa, and Canadian oil sands projects expanded so fast, they now provide North America with more oil than Saudi Arabia.

    With rising production from shale fields, the U.S. surpassed Russia last year to become the world's largest supplier of natural gas.

    For natural gas, the U.S. has the four largest fields in the world...

    Shale-Gas Output May Double by 2035

    This year’s outlook more than doubles the estimate of U.S. technically recoverable reserves of natural gas from shale, a type of sedimentary rock, to 827 trillion cubic feet from 347 trillion cubic feet.

    Scramble For Shale Gas Riches

    The development of shale gas in America has transformed the country from the world’s biggest gas importer to a producer with nearly a century’s worth of new supplies.

    Wood Mackenzie, the analyst, said that if Polish shale works, it could increase European reserves by 50%. Here, as in America, shales have long been ignored. Drillers usually passed right through them to get to reservoirs below. Fracking has turned them into a resource, though it is not without complications.


  • dgp


  • DagothUr

    Without the terrorist boo-hoo! there can be no "give us more money and power to defend you better!". The US government needs a strong Middle East because that means strong terrorist organizations and cheap oil. No one will waste his own reserves while it is possible to drain others. The only problem are the Chinese. They are strong, numerous and pretty rich. The world balance of power is shifting rapidly. USA will become no.2 in less than 20 years.

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