Nuclear energy would be a solution, but then we would have to invent some sort of rockets or something to catapult the wastes over the borders, into our neighbour's territory.
Wikileaks: U.S. Believes Saudi Arabia Is Running Out Of Oil
by Bangalore 35 Replies latest jw friends
R.I.P. Mr Simmons. Nuclear is the only current long-term solution that has the possibility of replacing oil, but unforunately still has too much stigma attached to it, and the start-up times are forever. France is probably the best nation currently set-up to deal with peak oil, as far as energy generation goes. Last I heard, they had something like 15 nuclear reactors, providing most of their energy generation needs. In a mobile form, nothing else comes close to providing the energy density of oil.
Prior to the most recent recession/depression, the generally agreed upon peak oil date was 2010-2011. Without some fresh bull market oil demand, this means peak oil is probably pushed out a few years till 2013 or 2014.
I honestly don't think this will be a problem. Existing technology is available to provide for all of our energy needs and there is a lot more technology in the research pipeline. A lot of it is just not economically viable yet until oil prices go higher. I think my personal favorite is producing bio-fuel from algae.
I also think we'll see shortages of fresh water long before we have a real energy crunch.
We need to come with reliable alternative energy without harming the environment.
There are numerous ways to access energy. The main problem is energy storage and transport. The dependance on energy as a means to work and relax has grown exponentially. The nets are outdated. This capacity problem is made worse because of the rising peak usage.
The datawarehouses all around the world are all designed around the same concept: net hooked and island capacity. Yet the island capacity is based on UPS systems that don't last long and the final backup is oil. If storage can be improved other technologies to run your systems on become readily available. At this point in time, there is lot of talk about decentralizing the energ supply for homes. One way to do that is to use the human feaces and food residues, thus decreasing the usage of water treatment plants and sewer systems. So it cuts both ways.
By allowing these technologies and creative solutions to take hold in our lives, it would finally approach the stage where vehicles can run on energy from other sources, including home made electricity.
Waste to energy projects see the burning of a lot of plastics because they are thought to be useless. Yet, these gargantuane piles of plastics can already be transformed back into oil at a 75% efficiency without the dioxine treat.
What is really neccesary is a country wide, statewide, county wide approach to energy usage and production. But I'm afraid there are some business who's profits are held in higher esteem for the moment. Nuclear can be part of the discussion but given the dangers hardly part of the solution.
Remember that Wiki Leaks only takes snippets of information, "memo's", unproven chatter, and posts it. It's not 100% true.
Innovation by humans will overcome a lot of the problems in the future. Dubbiedumb mentality is rooted deep in our minds and the doom and gloom mindset needs to be offset with a wee bit of optimism. ;)
The world isn't gonna end. Sorry... Jehobah. :'(
There is more natural gas than you can believe - new discoveries are being found every day. Expect big things from natural gas in the next ten years - not price wise, but in recovery processes and technology. Trust the monkey, he knows - ;)
Also, expect in the next two years vehicles that will be running on natural gas, and natural gas "gas" stations in Canada. What you will witness over the next ten years in innovation will be amazing. Kind of like how our cell phones have evolved over the last 30 years. ;)
Shamus: "Also, expect in the next two years vehicles that will be running on natural gas, and natural gas "gas" stations in Canada."
Shamus, read my post above about natural gas and vehicles. Also, it will take far longer than 2 years to replace even half of all gasoline burning automobiles with NG powered ones. You just cannot convert a gasoline powered automobile to NG, the differences are too radical.
Bottom line, it's weight, WEIGHT, WEIGHT that must be radically reduced in the short measure of time that we have.
Shamus, abandon this foolishness. Converting a vehicle to natural gas is just too difficult, as notable villagebozos have pointed out. If this were not the case, the Internet would not be peppered with myriad how2s delineating the process in terms that even a caveman could decipher.
Avoid failure.
At one time, a couple of consanguineal fools (idiocy ran in the family) suffered from the collective hallucination that heavier than air flight was possible. Abandoning the family bicycle business, they sank a small fortune into this delusion. For their epic tomfoolery, they were rewarded with a few dozen feet of above ground danger in a ramshackle piece of shit on a podunk beach south of bum-fucked nowhere.
Just imagine. Abandoning the future of humanity... the bicycle.
And for what????
Just the thought is utterly revolting. And lets not get into the subject of those clowns that thought they could invent a personal computer in their own garage....