Young people, you can die if you do not progress in the truth and become baptized.

by garyneal 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TimothyT


    I understand all too well that the JW's love to preach how people, old and young, are going to die at Armageddon!

    Its rather unchristian!!! I was baptised 3 years ago and have severe difficulties regarding my sexuality!

    I simply dont believe that if i left, certain brothers and sisters could condemn me for my lifestyle (despite the fact that this is who i am, and i dont want to change it)! I am still being taught at each meeting that God is Love (James 4:8) and that he reads hearts (1 Samuel 16:7). HE UNDERSTANDS and loves each one individualy!

    "If you dont progress you will die!!!" They simply dont know that! Laughable!

    Tim :)

  • Ding

    Watchtower "salvation" is always uncertain, because it all depends on you.

    By contrast, biblical salvation depends on Jesus.

    The Watchtower always talks about what you are supposed to do for God.

    By contrast, the Bible talks about what God has done for you.

  • TimothyT

    Ding Ding Ding! Good comment! :D

  • frigginconfused

    Yeah it seems as they are pushier these days. Thats gonna backfire. People will be less convinced it is the truth and will self destruct faster. Its hard to live something you dont fully believe in.

  • garyneal
    Watchtower "salvation" is always uncertain, because it all depends on you. By contrast, biblical salvation depends on Jesus. The Watchtower always talks about what you are supposed to do for God. By contrast, the Bible talks about what God has done for you.

    I'm glad I went to church first yesterday before going to the hall with my wife. Not that I did not know the difference but I found a rather strange irony to the two message I received.

    At church, the guest speaker went on and on about how God loves us in spite of ourselves and our sins. He made it clear that no works was involved in our salvation.

    In contrast, here is this guest speaker at the hall preaching how you must work to receive your salvation and you can't just simply accept Jesus and be a good person.

    After the meeting, I told my wife that all I had to do was take the message I got at church, flip it 180 degrees and I got the talk at her hall.

  • frigginconfused

    garyneal Jesus did say faith without works is dead.

  • garyneal
    Yeah it seems as they are pushier these days. Thats gonna backfire.

    I remember the sermons I used to listen to at an old Independent Fundamental Baptist church I use to attend. Boy was he pushy. Always preaching that we needed to do more soul winning and Bible reading. Then he would go on and on with what seemed like his new 'rule of the week' that he somehow managed to get from the Bible during his sermon.

    It was exhausting and it always made me feel like I wasn't good enough. I would sometimes come home depressed and my mother would tell me that I needed to stop attending that church. Eventually, he began to contradict himself and that's when I knew something wasn't right. It wasn't too long after that that I did leave the church. The Independent Fundamental Baptists will forever be remembered as the most legalistic, rules based, denomination of Christianity that I ever encountered and I would never recommend that denomination to anyone.

  • garyneal
    Jesus did say faith without works is dead.

    As far as I know, Jesus never said that. I believe it was James who said that.

    This is my wife's common reaction to the whole notion that salvation is a free gift that cannot be earned by works. Reading James' verse in context seems to suggest that the best religion is to attend to the needs of widows and orphans. Sounds a lot like charity, something the Watchtower is sorely lacking in.

  • Franklin Massey
    Franklin Massey

    We had an overeager and inexperienced substitute CO (who was training with the real CO) who dropped a bomb on our hall when he said with oddly blunt confidence, "We may reason that Jehovah will look into people's hearts, see good, and allow them to survive with us through Armageddon. That is not the case, however! A vital preaching work is going on and everyone will have the opportunity to hear the truth. If they do not accept it, they will not survive! Aren't we even more determined to preach boldly this important, life saving message!?"

    He was trying to fire people up for the ministry by threatening them with not only their own bloodguilt, but also the horrible idea of supposedly "good" people dying because they weren't JWs. Super messed up! But, official doctrine. It made quite a few audience members squirm in their seats. The next meeting, the real CO made reference to the young speaker's comment, trying to soften it a bit by noting that we aren't out to preach a message of gloom and destruction, rather a message of love and peace. BS! If someone actually believed that their nice non-JW friends, neighbors, and family were certainly going to get the divine hammer brought down on them if they don't convert, they would use the gloom and destruction message to motivate them to action. They wouldn't soft sell lifestyle benefits and modern day peace of mind. Armageddon is so close and those messages aren't powerful enough!

    If someone's home were about to be swept away by raging floodwaters and you were entrusted with the task to warn them of the danger, you wouldn't tap on their door and say, "Can you picture yourself in a dryer place where no one has to worry about floods? Wouldn't a place like that be swell? Maybe I can stop back next week and give you one tiny detail about avoiding floods. Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm just a volunteer and any donations you can provide to further my work will be appreciated." NO! You would beat their door down and scream at them to get to safety! You would cut out all the BS and give them exactly what they need to know to get saved. Which makes me wonder, do most JWs actually believe what the Society teaches about Armageddon?

    I think a lot of JWs get through the day thinking that God would never destroy their "worldly" family and friends since he can see their heart and know that they are good people. But that's not what the WT teaches. The only glimmer of hope would be that even if God killed them off, maybe, just maybe, they might be resurrected.

    When JWs preach this, it makes me not want to worship their God.

  • DanaBug

    Faith motivates you to works, but they're not what saves you.

    There is not one example in the Bible of a child being baptized. Why is that? There are examples of children who loved God and stayed faithful to him. Imo, child baptism takes the seriousness and responsibility away from dedication. If you're going to dedicate your life to God, you'd better make sure you can live up to that first; and that's not something children have the mental capability or experience to figure out. If you're a child, you might very much love God and want to serve him you're whole life. But I would say, you're doing it more out of fear and hoping that symbol is enough to stop God from killing you (and making your parents happy) since you lack that capability.

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