Young people, you can die if you do not progress in the truth and become baptized.

by garyneal 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MrFreeze

    This type of double talk really bugs me to no end.

    An elder told me "We don't judge. Only Jehovah is the one who judges".

    Yet the same elder says something in a talk that states you will die at Armageddon if you aren't doing enough or haven't dedicated yourself. Hey pal, I thought you weren't judging? Looks like you are to me. Freaking hypocrites.

  • dinah

    One thing I have noticed from hanging around here for the last 5 years or so (besides the fact that I should probably get a life).....

    The born-in people have a harder time letting go and getting out. They are going after children who were born-in to scare them into making a decision that will bite them in the ass later.

  • stapler99

    I agree completely and lately when I have been thinking about this it makes me angry. I too was subject to these threats as a child, in talks from the platform, and was genuinely worried. For an adult, as the years go on and nothing happens, the threat loses its strength even it is not abandoned intellectually, but it is still there.

    It's a horrible thing to do to someone. All that dread, for nothing. I spent my childhood procrastinating about getting baptized and feeling guilty for not doing more personal study and Bible reading. After losing my trust in the JW organization, a large part of my past is lost to me, and I wonder what is right or wrong.

  • garyneal
    The woman who used to come along during my study once said regarding children... 'If we get them by age eight or nine, then we've got them!' That statement sent off all sorts of warning bells in my head, which I unfortunately set aside for a little while longer.

    I remember reading a book at work that essentially said the same thing, except it was a quote from a Catholic priest. The basic message there is that people's beliefs are instill within them as a child, for the most part. It was a response to some parents' concerns about teaching children their beliefs and values instead of allowing the child to choose for himself or herself.

    I seem to remember a bit of vacilating on the topic of Sodom and Gomorah. It was felt that because they had been judged by God there would be no resurrection for them.

    Yeah, after asking the question to myself, I starting thinking, under Russell, yes, Rutherford, no, Knorr, yes, Franz, no. I'm sure that is not entirely accurate but you get the picture.

    I wonder how it is that some religions (besides the Watchtower) emphasize they don't baptize "children", but they certainly don't refrain from indoctrinating them and bullying them into getting baptized.

    Well, at least they don't do infant baptisms. That would be sacrilege.

    I remember when I was 21 at I was at a christian youth group attending a hockey game. After the game, the speaker addressed the crowd and told about salvation with Jesus. He likened it to being inside a burning building and Jesus was outside waiting for you to jump so that He could catch you. Needless to say, I felt pressured and bought into it. I 'jumped' and became baptized at the small Indy Fundy church that had the youth conference. I attended that church for about a year before I left citing distance being an issue and wanting to attend a church closer to home. The church that was closer was a very legalistic, rules based church and I constantly felt like I wasn't measuring up. Depressing...

  • d

    That video was funny LOL

  • dinah
  • garyneal

    Franklin Massey,

    Sounds like that young Co was trying to get a good ole fashion revival going on in the hall. LOL

    I think a lot of JWs get through the day thinking that God would never destroy their "worldly" family and friends since he can see their heart and know that they are good people. But that's not what the WT teaches. The only glimmer of hope would be that even if God killed them off, maybe, just maybe, they might be resurrected.

    I think a lot of Christians fall into a similar line of reasoning in regards to good people who are not Christian and their fate concerning Heaven and Hell. Frankly, I know I do, being real honest with myself and everyone here. It eases the dissonance a bit even though this is not official church doctrine.

  • WTWizard

    And this is why 6 year olds get baptized. There is no need to rush, yet children are terrorized into thinking they are going to die unless they get baptized before they know what is really going on. Then, after they commit to something when they are 6, they are held up to the standard. Somewhere I have heard, for instance, that Ja Rule was disfellowshipped at age 12--this could become more widespread as people get baptized at age 6 and around then, only to get disfellowshipped for saluting the flag at age 7 or 8.

  • alias

    That's why I was baptized at 16.


  • lrkr

    Actually- you WILL DIE if you do not get baptized. Of course you WILL DIE if you do get baptized too.

    Funny- they havent figured out a cure for death yet.....No matter what you do- eventually- you die.

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