Will Humanity Bring About a New World Order?

by Spade 41 Replies latest watchtower bible


    Everyone aside from dgp trashed my thread.....Spade/AliceInWonderLand

    You cut and pasted someone elses work and made a thread..

    How much Credit would you Like,for someone else`s Work?..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • Alfred

    Spade... I might be stating the obvious here but I find that most people on this site are here because they've learned to analyze Bible matters objectively which eventually allowed them to wake up and stop humbly accepting the ridiculous nonsense from the WT. Its precisely that "objectivity" that allows them to see right through your BS. So, I think your time might be better spent on another site or you might consider regurgitating the Society's agenda in field circus... just a suggestion.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    Everyone aside from dgp trashed my thread.

    Try putting up a thread they can't trash without looking like fools.

  • cantleave

    Everyone aside from dgp trashed my thread

    I disagree - Palm tree enhanced it with a bit of Nirvana

  • PSacramento

    Human have tried to impose "ORDER" on this palnt and each other since " the fall' o rsince the beginning of History ( take your pick) and it has never workded out for them and never will.

    But they keep trying, why?

    Because people crave power and the greatest power is getting people to do what you want them to do, especially if it is against their will.

  • dgp

    Maybe I didn't trash it, but I am very much convinced that this thread is utterly irrelevant. Sorry, Spade, but that's what I feel.

    The idea here is that "only YHWH" will make a change. That is so, so, so patently false. YHWH has not made a change, according to your beliefs. He created the mess, sat his big ass somewhere, and is ready to destroy and condemn those who don't do as he pleases. Satan accords better treatment to his chums.

  • SweetBabyCheezits
    SBC: What are you getting out of posting on this forum?
    Spade: It's entertaining..... For me; it's interesting to challenge opposing viewpoints. Why ask why? If the ambiguity bothers you drink an alcoholic beverage.
    Spade: Everyone aside from dgp trashed my thread.

    Yeah, I was totally off topic. I apologize. I will start a new thread and address my thoughts there instead.


  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    And what if they don't? Does that somehow make your God more real? Does that make the JW fantasy of a paradise earth less of a fantasy?

    I hate to burst your bubble, Spade/Alice/Rachel, but you aren't special. Neither are the JWs. Like the rest of us, and every other person who has walked the earth before you, you will eventually die. The sooner you come to terms with this, the sooner you can get on with what's left of your life, and focus on more constructive things than coming on internet forums and trying to ruffle the feathers of those who have already figured it out.

  • glenster

    This kind of New World Order?:

    No. Otherwise, you can believe in God, including a day when swords are turned
    to plowshares, etc., or not and contribute to the betterment of the world. But
    the JWs leaders, dividing people over cooked-up distinctions (rules about the
    medical use of blood/major blood products, etc.), and discouraging political
    involvement to whatever degree they currently do, such as propagandizing that
    selling the JWs leaders' brochures and books is important to the exclusion of
    higher education and involvement in solving the problems of the world,
    distinguish themselves in a way that's a detriment to the advancement of a better

    I disagree with Menkin--religion is a curse, etc. The biggest problem isn't
    belief in God or not but people being 'centric and intolerant about either one
    (or nationality, race, etc.), such as the belief or non-belief choice made law
    of the land, or the believer not keeeping up to speed regarding the facts that
    the faith is a belief in a possible God beyond. The JWs leaders have encouraged
    intolerance with harsh shunning rules for those who disagree with any of their
    cooked-up distinctions and retro/phoney interpretations to support their distinc-
    tions instead of keeping up to speed.

  • d

    No I think humanity is really at it's end of a rope.

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