This sort of thing happens sometimes in families. Parents are not perfect and neither are their children. Your father has reflected on how he behaved and apologized. Ignore him and let him do a little more reflection. Sometimes the best thing to do is nothing at all.
Never thought Id be cursing out my Dfd Dad
by lil.lady.03 32 Replies latest jw friends
I'm sorry to hear your family is treating you this way. I have had similar experiences although it was with my parents who talk a lot more than they act.
My mother once told my now partner to her face... "You will never love our daughter the way we do. " I haven't seen my parents in 6 years, but my girl is still with me supporting me, the real me every day.
Stay true to your heart, only you know what is right for YOU!
You dont need to allow anyone - thats ANYONE - to put you down - and you dont need to do it to yourself. You are a unique and special person in your own right and as such you have the right to allow into your life, only people who show you respect. Whoever they are.
I am upset for you. It was abuse, please dont allow anymore of it.
Loz x