Answer Up

by Franklin Massey 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Franklin Massey
    Franklin Massey

    "On the doors?" Never heard of it.

    Our "answer up" is always just called "commenting."

  • InterestedOne
    Here in the UK we had the classic: 'I was stuck on a door and she brought up blood!'

    What does "stuck on a door" mean?

  • IMHO

    "Stuck on a door" is when you're talking to a householder on their doorstep for an extended period of time.

  • InterestedOne
    "Stuck on a door" is when you're talking to a householder on their doorstep for an extended period of time.

    Why would talking to a HH for an extended period of time be considered "stuck?" Do JW's consider talking to a HH for a long time to be negative? Why?

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Being "stuck" at the door would be because the JW is in a conversation with a householder that is going nowhere. The householder may not be positive towards the JW teachings yet keep the conversation going, often in circles.

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