How far are you on your journey away from the JW Org?

by punkofnice 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinamovement

    Still in physically, mentally I am out. Don't know how long I can keep it up and retain sanity. Quit as an Elder a couple of months ago and have started to cut back on meetings, but really feel the need to rip the bandaid off. I will lose every social relationship that I have and might lose my wife to the cult. It is tough to think about hurting people who have always looked at me as a good example and a golden boy. It is crazy how if you express disbelief in a fallacy, that you become evil. Truth and facts have nothing to do with Witnesses belief and connection to the "truth".

    I think this month is going to be a critical month.


  • pontoon

    SIAM, what area of the world are you in?

  • stuckinamovement

    Pontoon I am in the western part of the US. PST


  • unshackled

    Started fading 10 years ago. Haven't been in a KH for about 8 or 9 years. No contact with my JW family members for about 5 years. Forunately do have some siblings not in the cult...they are my only "real" family.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    I can relate to soo much that is being said on this thread. Sounds like many of you have served or are still serving in responsible positions.

    Myself: My journey (if I can help it) of fading from the 'truth' is going to be a long one due to loved ones & family ties. But like Mr. Falcon says, this forum is also a big + in helping me cope. Thank you all!

    P.S.: I sure would like to hear more from some of the 'old timers' on this forum. Please don't fade or tire!

  • james_woods

    Resigned as an elder and walked out over 30 years ago - it was during the Ray Franz/Ed Dunlap contraversy.

  • Franklin Massey
    Franklin Massey

    Mentally: Waaaaay out. The more I pay attention at meetings, study, go out in field service, etc., the further out I go.

    Physically: Waaaaay in. If you could see me in action you would think I would never leave.

  • miseryloveselders

    Mentally: Waaaaay out. The more I pay attention at meetings, study, go out in field service, etc., the further out I go.

    Physically: Waaaaay in. If you could see me in action you would think I would never leave.

    I hear ya......same here. Mentally I'm gone, reaching Danny Hazard levels of resentment towards the WT. Physically though, I'm setting a fine example!

  • punkofnice

    Did/do any of you look at scripture cited, read around it and say: 'Cor Blimey Guv (or whatever you say in your country), this is WAY out of context!'?

  • flipper

    Been out 7 + years and counting ! Last meeting was late 2003. Life is great ! Ben reading & continuing to learn mANY things I was NOT allowed to have access to information wise in the Witnesses. Freedom of mind is fantastic which I cherish dearly ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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