How far are you on your journey away from the JW Org?

by punkofnice 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • maksym

    Well I was raised in the cult. I left physically by literally leaving my country and went to live in the tropics. That was about 8 years ago. I then left mentally about 5 years ago. That's the moving out part. The finding a new path part came over a few years. I studied religions and ancient Christianity from a historical perspective.

    Last year one week before Easter I was baptised and Chrismated in a Christian church. I am a regular attendee. All that mind control and baggage of the Watchtower Corporation is gone. I have a new faith and good direction. The people in my church are the best group of loving people. Much better than the critical witnesses.

    I therefore have replaced nearly all my social network with new Christian associates. The one area lacking is family members mom and dad and my brothers family. This summer I plan to witness the correct faith to them.

    Technically I am not considered DA or DF yet. I won't attend any meeting because I don't believe in their authority nor their labels. So if it is annouced that I become disfellowshipped and I am aware of it I still won't use that term when talking to people such as other witnesses. I have no fear and they have no labeling power or authority over me.

    This summer I will be preaching my new faith to family. Hopefully I will find others that are suffering and want out. By my actions my sister has left and she now is getting ready to attend a church and will be baptised this Easter. My daughter is out because of me and she someday may find a church to go to as well.

    God bless you all in your journeys

  • maksym


    That picture you put up reminds me of the place I went to right after I walked away from it all physically. Boy does that bring back great memories.

  • punkofnice

    Seems we can walk away from the publishing corporation but our loved one who are still in are a source of pain.

    We see how they are deceived and manipulated to waste their time forcing watchtowers on people and provide power and cash for the WTB$.

    We see how they will shun us or treat us as crap if we leave the 'truth' as defined by 'just imperfect men' in the U.S.

    We see how logical argument and sound reasoning are swiped aside as they refuse to wake up from the delusion they accept from 'just imperfect men' in Brooklyn.

    Thanks again for your accounts. They are most interesting!

  • jgnat

    Heck, they are still trying to suck me in.

    I'll be attending the Memorial on Sunday. And the Easter pancake breakfast at my church.

  • Nice_Dream

    I stopped going on service almost 3 years ago, but stopped attending meetings last spring. Fortunately, my husband stopped going to meetings too, and is finally beginning to realize that the religion doesn't make sense. My parents are now "out," but my inlaws remain hardcore JWs, so my husband is in turmoil over them.

    My born-in JW faith crumbled when I realized the GB wasn't God's organization. But I still struggle with guilt about doing "normal" things like attending kids birthday parties with my child.

  • d

    Left in 2008.I have been invited to the memorial but I will not go.

  • Giordano

    My wife and I left in the late 1960's. Her leaving with me was a hugh break. We'd both been in for around ten years through high school and then pioneered etc. and we were both fairly casual about the religion. I always thought it was more BS then anything else (we both had non believing fathers so maybe that was the life line).

    No outside help so we had to do it the old fashioned way we had to think our way out, lol! Probably would have become a 'bystander' for our families sake if they allowed it. A bystander is like a witness except they stand arround and don't get involved. But In the JW world there is no compromise for a lapsed witness, and there is a pecking order and at the bottom only sadness and contemp. So we said fine and moved away from the congo and then we were on our own. One or two visits from a couple of long time friends who were no more accepting of our position then our family members showed me it was over. We were pretty determinded and we just accepted that all of the people who we liked and who liked us were not going to be in our lives any longer.

    Leaving wasn't a problem, the witnesses weren't so shun crazy back then so our families talked to us and we visited. But being an ex was always the 800 pound gorilla in the room.

    Eventually we started our family. A big part of leaving had to do with getting away from the blood issue and the time one needed to spend as a 'good' witness.

    Four decades later it is still one of the best escapes we ever made. You know what I regretted most? That I subjected my wife to those incrediably boorish family visits two and three times a year. I wished they had shunned us or at least I had limited my time with them. Their love was conditional therefore worthless.

  • Pika_Chu

    mentally free, but forced to attend meetings for family reasons.

  • jeckle

    I'm very close in time frame out and how far out . and i still believe in god . although no wife or daughter in it. to set the stage i am a single dad with sole custody. that being said my son's maternal great grandma and great great grandma are my child care providers main ones.they wont take my son to his karate class i had him in i get that. but also it makes things a struggle i "cant mention my thoughts or beliefs to them but they can constantly mention their gobble dee guk.we are still sacrificing for their beliefs.i had been the circuit scape goat since a teenager i could never escape a reputation that proceeded me and very much exceeded my own stepmother made an example of me immediately when my dad married her my dad had a touching problem to put it mildly and she has 3 daughters before they married and wouldnt you know any thing my dad did she took out on me meanwhile loved him.i grew up knowing i would never measure up to anyone nor would i qualify nor would i be worthy. at one point when i was 16 i seemed on track to do something in the borg. at 18 i was following in my older bro's steps and pioneering maybe could have made bethel.all my dub peers were getting away with aot i didnt get involved nor would they include me. i got dissolusioned went to canada with step grandma reported my parents for abuse and from then on labelled came back home to nothing had to move out with nothing. no skills no money no job nothing meanwhile i was the evil one. i believed that for years those peers had since got married and were reporting time and i was still not intheir club.i would remain in and out for years dabbled in drugs and 2 failed marriages later i made a return got my df'ing was reinstated after a year or so dont exactly remember over a year and tried to be one a good 5 years i work in the refrigeration field in the hottest state in the us so it keeps me busy and led to times of missing meetings in the summer. maybe that was part but i was still never accepted. i never could do enough and after years of people having liberty to talk down to me everyone still did and thought nothing of it even new ones or people new to the area. i felt no love what so ever and after a year of complete inactivity and prayer for truth i was led to so call apostate sites. i finally felt that it wasnt just me it wasnt all just in my head.

  • jeckle

    i did not proof read that at all sorry. read it slow and it might make sence.

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