Well I was raised in the cult. I left physically by literally leaving my country and went to live in the tropics. That was about 8 years ago. I then left mentally about 5 years ago. That's the moving out part. The finding a new path part came over a few years. I studied religions and ancient Christianity from a historical perspective.
Last year one week before Easter I was baptised and Chrismated in a Christian church. I am a regular attendee. All that mind control and baggage of the Watchtower Corporation is gone. I have a new faith and good direction. The people in my church are the best group of loving people. Much better than the critical witnesses.
I therefore have replaced nearly all my social network with new Christian associates. The one area lacking is family members mom and dad and my brothers family. This summer I plan to witness the correct faith to them.
Technically I am not considered DA or DF yet. I won't attend any meeting because I don't believe in their authority nor their labels. So if it is annouced that I become disfellowshipped and I am aware of it I still won't use that term when talking to people such as other witnesses. I have no fear and they have no labeling power or authority over me.
This summer I will be preaching my new faith to family. Hopefully I will find others that are suffering and want out. By my actions my sister has left and she now is getting ready to attend a church and will be baptised this Easter. My daughter is out because of me and she someday may find a church to go to as well.
God bless you all in your journeys