New watchtower

by bohm 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • bohm

    The new watchtower is out (woooo) , and there is an article about "prophecies which has come true". The most funny one is the one about earthquakes since, well, there just isnt an increase in earthquakes:

    WHAT DO THE FACTS SHOW? When a magnitude 7.0

    earthquake struck Haiti in January 2010, more than 300,000

    people were killed. ... At least 18 major earthquakes oc-

    curred earth wide between April 2009 and April 2010.

    WHAT IS A COMMON OBJECTION? We are not experienc-

    ing more earthquakes; because of modern technology, we

    are just more aware of them than people were in the past.

    IS THAT OBJECTION VALID? Consider this fact: The Bible

    does not emphasize the number of earthquakes during the

    last days. However, it does say that “great earthquakes” will

    occur “in one place after another,” making them one of the

    notable features of this momentous period of history.

    As anyone can check for himself we expect 16 great earthquakes each year: making the claim remarkable non-significant.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    So to continue along the Borg lines of logic, since there have always been around the same number of earthquakes scattered around the earth, we have always been in the last days.

    Some sign.

    Disciple: Jesus, how will we know you have returned? What will be the signs?

    Jesus: The sun will be bright. The sky will appear blue. Clouds will be white and fluffy, except when they're gray.

    Disciple: Um, ok.

  • JRK

    Yeah, when do they get an end times call right? Zero for however many! The big A is right around the corner!


  • Gayle

    we have always been in the last days.

    which coincides the same for their "overlapping generation," forever always "overlapping."

  • WuzLovesDubs

    JRK - right around the corner in a ROUND BUILDING :)

  • NVR2L8

    Today is the last day for all the people who will die yesterday was the last day for those who died today.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    These are the guys who brought you Christ's return in 1874 and the end of the world in 1914 and a host of other false prophecies. You'd think after a while it might cross there mind that just maybe we don't know what the hell we are talking about maybe we should just shut up. But not these guys they just keep on spewing out more nonsense trying to convince everyone that they are the chosen ones with a direct line to God.

  • unshackled

    Interesting through that entire article they repeat "WHAT IS A COMMON OBJECTION?"

    Where are they getting these "common objections"? Not from current JWs. In field service? Do people at the door really commonly respond with "earthquakes aren't more frequent, we're just more aware of them?"

    I doubt it. Seems to me they are completely paranoid of simple logic, and are trying to get ahead of anyone who might actually think critically.

  • sabastious

    A lie to cover a lie to cover anonther lie, a vicious cycle indeed.


  • slimboyfat

    They admitted in the Watchtower a few years ago that there has not been an increase in earthquakes. So why are they still going on about this?

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