Just wanted to hear any stories connected to that new term from the Elder's Handbook.
Has Anyone Been to a JC for "Brazen Conduct" Yet?
by OnTheWayOut 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
My wife is back in the hospital for major depression and suicide ideation. She's telling everyone that will listen that it is because I have become an apostate. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before I'm pulled in. You all can be damned sure that I'll record it and post it if/when that happens.
Wish I could say yes...but I've been out a long time now. But wouldn't that be great to get labelled with that? I'd get a t-shirt done up "Guilty of Brazen Conduct" and wear it proudly.
They've been trying to get me on 'allegations' that I have said negative things (not about God), about the watchtower organization.
If they try to call me to a JC I'll just be brazen and flip the bird at them. I'm not going to their 'star chamber' cult hearing when I can be at home with a beer and T.V. No way!
This is how seriously I take it..........
We might have been but didn't attend the JC or speak to them when they called or open their letters. It would be funny if they had makes me sound like a slut.
Is the term brazen conduct similar to loose conduct? They have had that one in place for years but it appears the definition of loose conduct is as loose as the term.
I know someone who was dfed for "willful disobediance" does that count?
It was a long time ago though, so it did not involve any new light, just elders that were pissed because she did not obey them.
Franklin Massey
No problems of that type yet in our congregation. Haven't had to use it. I don't think the term "brazen" is catching on either.
often that is all it is about, the boe is Po'd at someone and looking to get rid of you . Any accusation will do. Yes truly they are directed by God's spirit.
I do believe that's the same thing as brazen conduct. In time, I think it will go so far as to say that any conduct not condemned in the Bible, but strongly recommended against in the real Bible of JW's (the Watchtower) will become brazen conduct. Right now, it seems to be going against counsel without violating an existing WT-defined sin.