As I grow older, and perhaps more controled by Satan. ;) There is something I can not help but conclude. It is the fact that Christianity only exist, because it was born in a time in which there was no media, communications, and possible chance of being proven wrong. While I know such a thing is hard to swallow, there are key points about Christianity that can not be ignored or argued with.
1. Christianity shows large amount of borrowed beliefs from surrounding religions. Even the Roman and Greek myths, which predated Christianity, have beliefs that have common threads with Christianity; virgin birth, heavenly throwns, and even the arguments of spirit creatures that caused hardships on earth.
2. The God of the old testiment, not the same God of the new testiment. Basically, besides the fact that we are told they are the same. It is very apparent that the old God was violent, angry and vengful. While the new God was loving, caring and wanted love for mankind in all religions.
3. The person who seems most responsible for people accepting Jesus as something more then a man who perhaps taught something different, spoke well and had good thoughts. Is Paul, who it would almost seem is more why Christianity exist today and why people think Jesus fulfilled prophecy, etc. As Paul seemed to have an agenda, and super-natural sells!
4. Why would a God of such wisdom and power, who could easily forsee the ability for future generations to produce things like phones, television, internet, etc. Not have the events that were supposed to be so important in mankind, happen at a time when man barely ventured more then twenty miles from their place of birth. Had serious issues of no education. Were still in a stage of development to believe anything said by authority and religious leaders?
5. Would allow so much time to pass? Let's face it, look in a mirror and tell yourself that the time to pass of 2000 plus years since the supposed Jesus, is not too much? Or the time since the supposed Adam, is not too much? The fact is, they are and prove all the more that such things are not only outdated, but a true example of myth.
So in conclusion. I will say, I do love the ideas of "Be a good person", "Treat others as you want to be treated", "Show a willingness to help", and "Respect your body." As wonderful parts of Christianity, they are also wonderful parts of the other religions that teach these thoughts. Both the ones who predate Christianity, and those who formed in it's wake. However, I hope and think every day. When will mankind wake up and see that Christianity is just another myth that captured mankinds progress in reality and slowed it down. When will they let go, see something not so tied to myth and see something else.
Until they do, I think we are all destinyed to teach this nonesense for many more generations to come. Always laced with logic that required omitting commmon sense and without see what is really happening.