Christianity, on it's death bed

by free2beme 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    As I grow older, and perhaps more controled by Satan. ;) There is something I can not help but conclude. It is the fact that Christianity only exist, because it was born in a time in which there was no media, communications, and possible chance of being proven wrong. While I know such a thing is hard to swallow, there are key points about Christianity that can not be ignored or argued with.

    1. Christianity shows large amount of borrowed beliefs from surrounding religions. Even the Roman and Greek myths, which predated Christianity, have beliefs that have common threads with Christianity; virgin birth, heavenly throwns, and even the arguments of spirit creatures that caused hardships on earth.

    2. The God of the old testiment, not the same God of the new testiment. Basically, besides the fact that we are told they are the same. It is very apparent that the old God was violent, angry and vengful. While the new God was loving, caring and wanted love for mankind in all religions.

    3. The person who seems most responsible for people accepting Jesus as something more then a man who perhaps taught something different, spoke well and had good thoughts. Is Paul, who it would almost seem is more why Christianity exist today and why people think Jesus fulfilled prophecy, etc. As Paul seemed to have an agenda, and super-natural sells!

    4. Why would a God of such wisdom and power, who could easily forsee the ability for future generations to produce things like phones, television, internet, etc. Not have the events that were supposed to be so important in mankind, happen at a time when man barely ventured more then twenty miles from their place of birth. Had serious issues of no education. Were still in a stage of development to believe anything said by authority and religious leaders?

    5. Would allow so much time to pass? Let's face it, look in a mirror and tell yourself that the time to pass of 2000 plus years since the supposed Jesus, is not too much? Or the time since the supposed Adam, is not too much? The fact is, they are and prove all the more that such things are not only outdated, but a true example of myth.

    So in conclusion. I will say, I do love the ideas of "Be a good person", "Treat others as you want to be treated", "Show a willingness to help", and "Respect your body." As wonderful parts of Christianity, they are also wonderful parts of the other religions that teach these thoughts. Both the ones who predate Christianity, and those who formed in it's wake. However, I hope and think every day. When will mankind wake up and see that Christianity is just another myth that captured mankinds progress in reality and slowed it down. When will they let go, see something not so tied to myth and see something else.

    Until they do, I think we are all destinyed to teach this nonesense for many more generations to come. Always laced with logic that required omitting commmon sense and without see what is really happening.


    People hang on to religous beleifs for one reason: it means life. If religion didnt teach that there was an afterlife...that this is all there was then I dont think, generally speaking, it would exist at all. Maybe it plays on our inherint selfishness: if God wants something from us we better get something in return.

  • designs

    #2 There's one of the real myths that gets floated around, the God of the Old Testament was meaner than the God of the New Testament.

    Exactly where do you read about the Great Day of Armageddon, Lake of Fire, Second Death etc.....................NT

    Not so nice there either

  • free2beme

    I have always seen the book of Revalation as an acid trip personally.

  • JustHuman14

    The pattern of Christianity it is traced in many Ancient Religions: We have Crishna(does it sound familiar with Christ!)He was born from a Virgin Mother, perfomed miracles, had 12 disciples, He was called the Light of The World, he was killed and reserructed after 3 days!!! The same story it is found in the Egyptian Religion with Horus, the Greek Religion with Adonis. We have at least 12-14 old ancient religions repeating the same pattern of Christianity...

    Have you ever heard about the Gnostic Gosples? The Gnostic Gospels were circulating the same era with the other Gospels. Then when the Orthodox Apostolic Church came with Bishop Athanasius and arranged the Biblical Cannon with the 76 Books, they rejected all the Gnostic Gospels, like the Gospel of Thomas, The Gospel of Judas, the Gospel of Mary Magdalene.(just to name a few). Specially the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, that clearly shows that in the Early Church, women had been Bishops and perfomed clergy duties among the first Christians. What was the reason not to accept it? Simply the just followed the Judaic system of priesthood and banned all women from having any clergy role at the Church...

    Indeed there is a huge difference from the God(YHWH)of the Old Testament and Jesus. It seems like a childish God, that gets angry easyly, He is Jealous(I'm a Jealous God, you will worship no other God but Me). So how can a God be jealous and afraids from other God's that they are not even "true God's"? And what kind of God refuses for the first created Woman and Man the "knowledge of knowing good and bad"?

    In the Gnostic Gospels we find a differend explanation than the Old Testament, regarding God. It describes that there are many Gods in different levels, and the God that Created this Universe, was not aware of the other levels that existed, higher than Him, and He became arrogant. That is why the other Gods. sent Jesus on Earth in order to fix the problems that they were created due to the arrogance and pride of the Creator of this World.

    So in the start Christianity was so different. It had the Universal teaching of love, to share things with others, and most of all the Love Conquers all things. That is why Jesus was opposed to the Mosaic Law, He was opposed to the Scribes and Pharisees and their man made laws and actually seized that law with only one command: "Love your fellow person like your self". A complete different attitude from the God of the Old Testament that He required an Eye for an Eye...

  • Heaven

    #2 There's one of the real myths that gets floated around, the God of the Old Testament was meaner than the God of the New Testament.

    To expand on what designs said, the NT also says you can't get to God except through the son and that you have to accept him, and become born again in baptism if you want the eternal life gig. This is conditional love. It never made sense to me as I knew there would be millions born on this Earth , live their entire lives, and die without ever having heard of Christ. So this whole condition of accepting Christ as your saviour and being born again to receive a prize seems completely like a human concept and therefore, ludicrous from an all loving power.

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    On #3--I was reading Friedrich Nietzsche's Antichrist and he brought up an interesting idea. He said that much of Christianity and its more ascetic teachings come from Paul. Disfellowshipping, abstaining from marriage, not eating meat, women in their proper place, etc. He felt that Paul's form of Christianity diverged from the loving message Jesus portrayed. I started thinking about it and thought there was some truth to it. What do you think?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Paul invented all the worst parts of Christianity. I agree. He was an opportunist who may or may not have been a true believer.

    If you look at some of the "Parallels" books or websites that list quotes from Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Lao Tzu, etc. you see that there is a common thread of humanity in the works of all that you just don't see from Paul. They were all in touch with something divine that we can learn from and can benefit outselves and our local and global society.

    BTW, Luna Lovegood is one of my favorite HP characters!

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith
    BTW, Luna Lovegood is one of my favorite HP characters!

    Me too! She was so quirky and delightful. Jenny was a good match for Harry, but Luna was much cuter and more interesting!!

  • ProdigalSon

    Here's a website filled with hundreds of articles about Paul and how he supposedly corrupted Christianity....It even has a forum....

    Personally, I don't believe Paul wrote most of the crap attributed to him, and of the stuff he did write, it was pretty much re-written by the Catholic Church centuries later.

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