I consider myself more or less agnostic and more significantly, "post-Christian" these days for pretty much all of the reasons cited in the thread so far...
Christianity, on it's death bed
by free2beme 18 Replies latest jw friends
Great add on thoughts. Interesting and prove all the more the myth of Christianity.
Paul vs Jesus- who had the more wild thoughts and teachings, now Jesus will tell you straight up he's coming back like a monster wrecking ball and whipping out our human race, Paul on the other hand was just plain weird.....
It is the fact that Christianity only exist, because it was born in a time in which there was no media, communications, and possible chance of being proven wrong.
I dunno, Scientology seems to be doing pretty well....
and whipping out our human race
With beaters, do you think? (Christ returns to gather those who belong to him; then he also grants access to the kingdom to the sheep, and denies it to the goats - which is why they are outside in the darkness gnashing their teeth)
Sir82 makes an excellent point about Scientology.
I find that Paul's letters are taken out of context. We don't have all his letters. We don't have the back and forth correspondence; and we have no idea what the people he addressed were asking him - which is another point: that a lot of what Paul wrote was answering specific things that they questioned him on. Do I think there were too many 'rules' in Paul's letters? Yes. Do I think the people were asking for the rules to answer daily questions and routines? Also, yes.
Its easy to judge, but I think we have no choice but take things out of context, when we're attempting to piece together lives from just a handful of letters.
You are right about the full corresponce missing to round out Paul's wacky ideas, still what do you do with a guy who takes his Buddies to a Steam Bath for a body shaving experience....
Oh Lordy!
I dunno, Scientology seems to be doing pretty well
Really??? I see a small following, but a lot of people coming down on them and several books, and other media that show their shortcomings. As a religion goes, they are not making anymore of an impact then Charlie Sheen is on his future job possiblities with how he is acting now. Basically, it is not taking a strong hold on society and governments are not seeing it as a threat. All of which can not be said about Christianity, in its early days.
Too add, I have always thought Paul was a bit of a power tripper with a heavy level of just whacky thoughts. I know people like that now, why would there not be people like that ... then???
2000 years ago ...
I come to you and say there is a man 50 miles from hear teaching this, that and so on. You are amazed and then I tell you he cured the sick, raised the dead and calmed the storms. Now you are thinking, 'this must be God!' You do not even bother to check, as this all sounds so promising and you are both thrilled and scared. So you tell others without even seeing if it is true.
Present day ....
I come to you and say there is a man 50 miles from hear teaching this, that and so on. You think, what is his website, does he have video and where was he educated. I tell you that he cured the sick, raised the dead and calmed the storms. I tell you that you are full of crap, stop listening and ask if you would like to see a doctor. I also show you how these things could be faked, scammed and give you website links to people faking this for money.
2000 years ago a religion is born, in what would be today ... a scam and a joke. Yet, the same thing!!!
Crisis of Conscience
I clicked on this thread yesterday but didn't get a chance to read through it. Now I have one word - awesome!
What I find interesting is that Paul's letters were written to specific congregations, and as was mentioned, to possibly address certain issues within them.
Yet Christianity has formed "laws" from things that are found within those letters. They claim that these were written for us, the modern day congregation.If a dear friend wrote you a letter, pointing out certain things that he's noticed about you, would you expect anyone else you let read it to feel the letter applied to them also? Sure, they may find something touching that can move them, but should or would they make the claim to saying this was written to them personally?
Isn't this what has been done with these letters that supposedly Paul and other apostles wrote? Especially within the JW religion do we find theses Bible "laws" often hidden behind what they like to call a principle.
I agree that there is much we can learn from the Bible. But to take it literal as if a man that wrote a letter over 1,000 years and more ago is just, IMHO, now, completely absurd.
I've looked back at some of the love letters my wife and I wrote each other over 10 years ago. And were anyone to read them now, should I expect anyone to feel the content within it was directed to them, unless I mentioned them in the letter? No, and this is how I currently feel about the Bible.
I wonder whether Christianity will simply be replaced by something else. This seems to have happened regularly through history. Perhaps some knowledgeable person could work out the average life span of a major religion from inception to fade? I suspect that religions in Egypt for example lasted for several thousand years before they were superseded?