UN & Watchtower : link deleted....

by yalbmert99 40 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • brotherdan

    If anyone wants to download or print the letters, they can all be found here: http://www.jwfacts.com/watchtower/united-nations-association.php

    whathappened, you can even print the letter of response by the Watchtower regarding this issue. I know that is not as good as her seeing it on the un site, but it still is something.

  • Honesty
  • rebel8

    The last I knew the UN had moved the document, not deleted it. There was a thread about it here.

  • yalbmert99

    I tried to find it back on the UN website, and I can't find it. It's gone.

  • AudeSapere
    Rebel8 wrote: The last I knew the UN had moved the document, not deleted it. There was a thread about it here.

    That's what I remembered, too. So I did a little searching earlier today and found this from about a year ago:

    SeattleNiceGuy wrote: Update: I just discovered that the link above is no longer current. The UN has re-organized its web site and moved the PDF to a different directory. The current link is:


    Sad to report that the link SNG cited above is now also not valid.

    I also spent some time on the UNs site looking for the letter but could not find it. I did find a letter about JWs/Watchtower but it is in Russian (as translated from Spanish) and did not have time to run it through a translation site.

    In the end, I also sent a request on the UN's site inquiring about the letter.


  • yalbmert99

    We'll wait until we get an answer from the UN...

  • whathappened

    Thanks, Brotherdan. I have a copy of the letter I printed up, but it's wow when you see it on the website. Hope they put it back.

  • GOrwell

    Did a google trawl (watchtower ngo filetype:pdf site:un.org) of the un.org site, and saw that it looks like it has been deleted.. OR possibly moved, and google hasn't trawled the new location yet (unlikely, since un.org is a pretty big site, literally and figuratively)..

  • Nobleheart


    Has anyone who emailed the UN received any reply?

    I emailed them but got no answer.

    This is really a bummer.

  • yalbmert99

    Same, I sent two emails and no answer.....

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