A frog in boiling water?

by hoser 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • hoser

    I don't know where I've heard it before(perhaps from a circuit overseer talk) but someone associated with Jehovahs witnesses made the analogy

    that if you put a frog in a pot of boiling water it will jump out immediately, but if you put the same frog in a pot of cold water and slowly heat it up

    the frog will not notice the gradual temperature change and will cook to death.

    the overseer or elder used this illustration as a warning to say that gradual changes in morals around us- we will not notice and get cooked alive

    so to speak so watch out about missing meetings, service praying bla bla bla

    Well today I just happened to think about this while I was boiling some water and decided to investigate. Snopes.com says:.........


    A frog put in boiling water will die and the frog in the heating water will jump out if the pot allows for it.

    Anyone else heard this illustration from the platform??


  • blondie

    Yes, and I looked it up to online and found that it is a fallacy. But then COs and elders, etc., quote from other religious groups analogies (but disguise as a jw one). Google is wonderful.


  • hoser

    have you heard it from the platform also Blondie

    or is it just me?

  • applehippie

    No I heard it too at an assembly I'm pretty sure.

    Edited: actually, I think I may have to backtrack for honesty's sake. I may have gotten it in an email from a sister that used to send me many Fwd: fwd:fwd: if you know what I mean. It certainly made an impression at any rate. sorry.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Also heard it, not sure when & where.

  • Lunatic Faith
    Lunatic Faith

    First time I heard it was from a movie: Dante's Peak. I have heard it used from the platform, but it was after that movie. I didn't realize it was a fallacy. Good to know....

  • wasblind

    I was once told by an elder in our discussion on blood, that he didn't think it made sense

    for doctors to force two litres of blood on patients to try and save their lives, when you can

    donate that much to the Red Cross and live. I thought it made all the sense in the world

    until I looked it up an found out that what he said was false.

  • nugget

    I've heard it from the platform too I'm sure . I always thought that it was odd and unrealistic to expect a frog to be unharmed if it was plunged into boiling water when a lobster with all it's armour would die.

  • Poztate

    I heard it at a DA in the early 70's. A CO by the name of Veenstra gave it. A lot of oohs and ahs followed with the usual nodding of heads in agreement

  • Nickolas

    It is not so much the fallacy of the illustration but its objective that is important. Part of the high control arsenal and very effective. It is an admonishment not to open your mind, not to allow in even the tiniest bit of contrarian thought, not to question what you are being told, because if you do it will be a fatal flaw in your faith in Jehovah and his Organisation and you will as a consequence certainly forfeit your place on paradise Earth. You will die. You will never see your loved ones again. And, just to make sure you understand the seriousness of daring to question the Truth, you will be disfellowshipped and shunned and whatever life you have left in the present system of things will be made miserable. It is a fearsome prospect to a Jehovah's Witness and why it is so very difficult to break through.

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