. . . believed you were going to live forever in paradise on earth?
When You Look Back, Can You Believe That You Actually . . .
by PublishingCult 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I am sooooooooooooooo embarrassed that I believed it, however I was only 10 when my family joined, so I can forgive myself for not knowing any better.
I believe children should be taught critical thinking in schools.
lol at that picture PublishingCult, makes me feel uneasy looking at it. Freaky, just like the religion itself!
That picture looks a bit creepy
Not surprised that I believed the story ... but very surprised now thinking how terrified I would feel if I actually had to live there under the rule of the GB!!!!!!! and all that conditional love.
YES, STUPID ME -- i remember mesmerizing while at the beach in calif. thinking very soon i'd be there everyday of my life playing with whales and dolphins of my very own. not ever too excited about having my own pet lion but a couple of cubbies warmed my heart. can you imagine --- OMIGAWD! makes me mad thinking i was that delusional while it was great when i was already there. STUPID CULT LIES -- kinda the best news since santa who'd bring you anything you want. WHAT A CONCEPT and tax free business for crooks -- one hell of a product to sell.
PC - This might sound crazy, but in my various interactions with JW's over the years, I have seen their eyes look like that in that picture. I keep thinking it's my imagination, and then I'll see it again. It always scared me. I don't want to hijack your thread, but I had to say something. Have you seen it too? Do you have an explanation for it?
My dreams of living in a paradise earth were interupted by thoughts of Who's going to clean up all this crap left over after armageddon & how long is it going to take?
I still can't believe Istayed in for so long.
PC - This might sound crazy, but in my various interactions with JW's over the years, I have seen their eyes look like that in that picture. I keep thinking it's my imagination, and then I'll see it again. It always scared me. I don't want to hijack your thread, but I had to say something. Have you seen it too? Do you have an explanation for it?
Yes, interestedone, that look is called "absense of thought and reason". It's the look I, too, remember clearly, and was the inspiration for how I embellished this scan from one of the publications.
I was also inspired by the evil sneers I got from life-long JW friends and relatives when I was reaching out for help from these people who were supposed to be my brothers and sisters. I was making assertions that some children were being abused in a JW home, was demanding the elders intervene, and I was met with the most demonic smiles I have ever seen. It was like a nightmare. So surreal.
I did have trouble with this idea but felt that I needed to think of the greater good in which others could have the hope of better conditons. So went along with it
I believed it 100%. I eagerly looked forward to it and depended on it. It was my only way I'd ever be healed. And then I find out it was only a fable...
I'm still alive but don't know for how much longer.
I had no trouble believing in it.