I think it's ridiculous that anyone with any brain activity can believe that the Noah's Ark/Great Flood parable actually happenened.
by wasblind 47 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think it's rediculous that an all knowing, all powerful god would allow millions of it's valuable creatures to suffer and die...many times, an awful death.....all so that it's reputation not be tarnished. Hmmmmm.
C'mon, Watson, all good parents let their kiddos suffer for the sake of their own good name. I once overheard a nasty rumor about my parenting skills, so what did I do to fix it? That's right - I made my 3-year-old son sleep on a cold tile floor for a week with no blankets, no pillows. Presto-change-o! Now everyone thinks I'm awesome!
I know the formula seems ludicrous but if it's good enough for Yahweh, it's good enough for me.
EDIT: For those who don't appreciate my sarcasm, I would never really make my kid sleep on a cold tile floor. Linoleum, sure. But tile - that's barbaric.
Good Gosh, she was a cougar,
To be honest Sweets, I kinda had to curtail my more humourous side
when I was with the JW's I really couldn't be me I'm
a little devilish at times. All in fun.
I think that it's ridiculous that when Indian Jones and the Last Crusade came out and everyone in the kingdom hall was talking about how it was the best movie ever and that Indie said the name "Jehovah" in it, and your daughter who is 12 - two weeks from being 13, cannot watch the movie with the rest of the family cause its rated PG - 13!!!! Your daughter has to sit in her room and read for two hours while the family enjoys the movie in the living room.
wow - maybe I took this to personally? hahaha! Its STILL ridiculous !
Don't feel bad Firstlastname,
I grew up worldly, and my oldest sister was allowed to go with friends to see Shaft starin' Richard Roundtree ( 1971)
I was not allowed to go, but I was permited to go to the sunday matinee the see the old chitty chitty bang bang rerun
my sister is four years older than me that was not fair. I thought it was Ridiculous
...to be told to listen to Kingdumb Maladies in your spare time because it supposedly makes you more "spiritualy minded".
Are you being serious, V? My wife plays them all the time in her car, and the first and only time I listened to a few of them I thought (without knowing they were Watchtower) they were crap composition. The stuff will rot your brain if you let it, it's that bad. It must be that it makes you "vacuously minded"?
I think it's ridiculous that each person has to touch the glass and plate, including the speaker, and that the servers who have already handled the crackers and wine think they have to then sit down and pass it amongst themselves. Seriously, guys, just take a swig before you put it back on the table. So ridiculous.
I've not had the appreciation before that the annual partakers ceremony was so ritual. I'd like to hear more about it.
I think it's ridiculous to be told that because a couple of human beings decided to have a naughty nibble all their off spring for thousands of years would be cursed.
Hard to beat that one. Best of thread, imo. I might have added in the talking snake, too, if I thought of it. Good one.
Are you being serious, V?
It's unfortunate, but yes, I am serious. Every now and then it's talked about in the publications and on the platform. I'm sure a lot of folks here can testify to that. You think anyone young and hip would listen to that s**t at all if they didn't have to? I never ever listened to kindom melodies in my spare time and it just about drove me nuts sometimes when my mother did. It's all rather sad...
I think their mere existence is ridiculous. But then this is a ridiculous world.
I think their mere existence is ridiculous. But then this is a ridiculous world.
Hmm. A contender.
Thanks, V. I'm on your page.