Will you go to the memorial

by freeborg 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • dmouse

    No. I did go for a few years after I left just to keep my wife happy.
    But then I realised I was giving her false hope and it would be kinder not to go. I felt really weird sitting at home knowing it was going on without me. My wife was shocked to say the least, I think until then, in spite of everything I'd said, she just thought I was going through a bad patch. I think missing the memorial is the final way of closing the door on your JW past, both for yourself and others.

  • voltaire

    Nope, cuz hain't non uf't true nohow. (I've been reading Huckleberry Finn, so excuse my English)

  • picosito

    I'm not going to a meal where most if not all the invited guests are discouraged from eating the food.

    That's stupid. That's abusive.

    Also, I'm pissed at Jesus for saying things in unclear ways that so many have twisted into their own understanding and used to control people during 20 centuries.

    The "Memorial" is a good example.

  • ashitaka

    I refused this year. Had ten calls from people who wouldn't call all year, but they sure as hell called to invite me to thier ritual. Real nice of them.

    I will never set foot in a hall again.



    Hey freeborg,I haven`t set foot in a KingDung Hole in decades.I just didn`t need any more shit..LOL...OUTLAW

  • MrMoe

    LOL @ Utopian

    NOPE, make that a HELL no

    I wouldn't sert a toenail in a Kingdom Hall if my life depended on it.

  • lv4fer

    I will go because it is a command that we memorialize Jesus' death. My only problem is I feel that I need to partake, not just sit there. I've kind of always felt the desire to partake and now after doing alot of my own personal bible study (which the society says we should do) I am sure I should show my faith by partaking of the emblems. I'm not sure what would happen if I partook. They might df'd me. In fact I'm sure they would. Maybe I'll partake at home and then go to the memorial. Any suggestions!?

  • plmkrzy


    "Also, I'm pissed at Jesus for saying things in unclear ways that so many have twisted into their own understanding and used to control people during 20 centuries."

    Well bless your heart.
    I don't know why but that struck me funny.

  • plmkrzy

    lv4fer If you feel stronge about it then you should do it.
    They have no authority (i know! blah blah blah) But really
    they have no grounds to df'd you for partaking in the emblems
    They cannot tell you what your personal relationship is with
    Jesus and if they try to then srew'm and partake anyway.

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    How shall I phrase this? Hmmmm. . .

    I wouldn't go to Memorial at the Kingdom Hall if you threatened to jam a sharp burning stick in my eye.

    I wouldn't go to the Kingdom Hall if they were going to annouce Fredhall's disfellowshipping.

    I wouldn't go to the Kingdom Hall if there was a good dog humping going on in the parking lot.

    I need to lie down now.

    "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College

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