Will you go to the memorial

by freeborg 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    Mrs Ozzie and I will NOT be going to this year's Memorial at the Kingdom Hall.

    Speaking for myself, I would be deeply troubled about the format of the occasion for what I believe are Scriptural reasons.

    The outline for the memorial makes much of Jesus' words at Luke 21 where the Last Supper is recorded. Note that Jesus was instituting something that indicated a sharing, a communion, with ones who are in the new covenant with him. The bread and the wine were passed among the disciples AND PARTAKEN. Then he uttered these words "Keep doing this in remembrance of me."(Luke 21:19) So what were they to do in remembrance? It was to share in partaking of the bread and the wine.

    What though of the Memorial at the Kingdom Hall? How will they be obeying Christ's command? Strangely not by partaking but BY REFUSING to eat the bread and drink the wine as it is passed.

    Of course, the talk outline spends much time 'explaining' why not many are to partake, but the truth remains that there is nowhere in Scripture that allows for a Christian to refuse to partake and yet still be Jesus' follower. No matter how much a WTS apologist may speak of the two classes i.e. heavenly and earthly, it must be remembered that nowhere does the Scriptures support a refusal to partake of the emblems.

    For those who genuinely believe in following Christ, this must be a sobering reminder. If you go, you are refusing to partake, so how are you obeying Jesus' words to KEEP ON doing this in remembrance of him?


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • patio34

    To go to a JW memorial would repudiate all my newly found freedoms and knowledge. It would be a betrayal of my principles.

    Not even on a bet would i go. Can't foresee any circumstance that would make me go.



  • outnfree

    Sam Beli,

    The Memorial of Christ's Death will be observed by Jehovah's Witnesses around the world on March 28, 2002 after sundown (according to the KM link in zev's "Dazed and Confused" thread).


    : I don't buy the idea that the rembrance of Jesus is something that should be done only once a year. The idea is to remember Jesus' life. Any time. Any place.

    I agree.


    It's what you learn after you know it all that counts -- John Wooden

  • Thirdson

    The last meeting I attended was the Memorial in 1997. I decided on that night to quit and never attend another meeting. I had been to every JW memorial since 1961 until that year. I had no intention of giving any false hope to my JW relatives by attending the most special JW occasion (like many do to appease spouses, parents etc). When I decided that JWs had no sole truth I could no longer attend.

    I agree with Ozziepost's reflection on the communion of the "last supper". The JW version is not scriptural.


  • freeborg

    Thanks for all the comments I think most of us are all in agreement that we WILL NOT BE GOING TO THE MEMORIAL!!!!!
    And if some of us do we will be partaking of the emblems.

    I for one cant wait to March 28th when I am sat at home and not paying lip service to the WTS by going to the memorial. I think another good reason for keeping away is that we will not be adding to the memorial attendance figures, and hopefully contributing to a decline in the attendance for 2002.

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Thank you, outnfree, for the date.

    I will be among the missing as well. So will my wife.

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    Not going.

    Ozzie's post is exactly how I feel about it and if we do anything, we'll do it at home in our own way.

  • Ivor Hope
    Ivor Hope

    I won't be there either.........for the first time in 49 years!

    Like many others, I do still feel the need to celebrate the Memorial, but to also partake. THat was the arrangement Jesus set up, when even Judas Iscariot partook (despite what the WTS say).

    I think we will be getting a few ex-JW's together to do our own thing.

  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    For one Memorial date, while still trying to be a good dub, I was hospitalized in a strange city. The HLC were well aware of my presence in the hospital. I was way too ill to leave for a couple of hours for Memorial. I heard that they were bringing the ‘emblems” by for another dub up the hallway from me. Did they even ask if I wanted them to do me the honor? No, of course not. Did the fact that I was being less than forthcoming with them regarding the blood issue have anything to do with their lack of attention to this detail? Did their being unsure of just what I might have done with regard to blood lead them to be less than courteous with me in this matter? You bet your bottom dollar it did. Offering me communion with them was conditional on my toeing the party line completely; I wasn’t behaving in a way that eased their comfort zone, so I was expendable even on that night.

  • freeborg

    I've decided that a cracker, cheese and wine party on March 28th at home will be my celebration.

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