Being that I just disappeared, the major worries are that some dingbat in the congregation is going to get the stupid idea of pulling me back to his dump and hosting me, in exchange for being held captive as a witless. Cutting off my means of sustenance while supplying the basic necessities in exchange for perfect boasting session attendance and pio-sneering would be their means of preventing me from ever blowing out again. And, with the Great RecessionDEPRESSION in place, starting another life would then be almost impossible especially if every bit of silver I managed to get my hands on gets left behind or put into the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund.
Of course, once hyperinflation sets in, that will make it that much more difficult for those dingbats to actually execute this idea. They only get so many toilet paper dollars, and if it costs TP$600 quattrogillion for a suit and TP$200 quattrogillion for a field circus bag, they are not going to have that kind of money to spend dragging me back into the cancer. And they are unlikely to have enough gold and/or silver to do the same thing with the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger telling them that it is all going to crash.
One blessing, faded or disfellowshipped, is that I no longer have their crap investment(??) advice to adhere to. I can invest whatever I see fit, however I see fit. Whether in toilet paper dollars (I now refer to any dollar that is not backed by anything more than a promise as "toilet paper" because of the imminent collapse that can happen at any time, as QE2 indicates cojuld happen soon), toilet paper Euros, toilet paper yen, or something actually backed in physical assets and commodities, I can do as I see fit. No more Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger telling me that it is all going to zero. No more throwing it away on the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. I live with the consequences of my decisions--for better or worse, and no one else gets to worry about it.